By: Vika • Research Paper • 2,228 Words • May 29, 2010 • 1,041 Views
Ў°Why not Martin, why do you always have to think inside the square?Ў±
Ў°Because I think a step ahead, I think of the precautions, and then the after math,Ў± said Dr. Martin as he walked away from the Cove of Jenston.
Ў°But imagine,Ў± said Alfred as he walked closer to the Cove. He put his hands on the Cove and whispered. Ў°One day we are going to get you out, one day we are going to see what you can do.Ў±
Ў°Oh, quit it Alfred.Ў±
Ў°Just imagine Martin.Ў±
Ў°Imagine what?Ў± said Martin as he rolled his eyes.
Ў°Nanotechnology has been successful for technology, look at our computers, they diagnose, they solve problems, they work at a million miles an hour and there is no doubt that the quality is exceptional, and today in 2222 space exploration has helped us find new places.Ў±
Ў°Do I not have to mention the evil this type of technology has created? Children do not even want to talk anymore; they rely on those Ў°talktinkЎ±, major banks have been stripped due to fraud. This technology has also caused wars between cultures, countries, cities and even families, nuclear war heads can pin-point an object right to the millimetre, we all know how that wiped out Europe and its inhabitants?Ў±
Ў°Yes, your point being? We all need a bit of excitement! BUT THE POSSIBILITY OF AUTO FIXING THE HUMAN BODY, BY MAKING THE BLIND SEE, THE DEAF HEAR AND THE CRIPPLED WALK. DONЎЇT YOU WANT THAT?Ў± he screamed. Ў°I donЎЇt care what you think, IЎЇm going to the Peak of Peaks and putting a Ёч of the Cove into the nations water system,Ў± and he walked out and left Martin standing there.
When Alfred reached the Peak of Peaks he carefully opened the Cove and poured the nanotechnology particles into the water system. It trickled out of the Cove and it dissolved straightaway into the swirling water. Alfred knew that tomorrow everybody would drink their household water; the nanotechnology would be able to function in a human body for the first time in history. His experiment could now be tested.
The next day, Alfred sat in his laboratory and watched the seconds go by whilst daydreaming of the praise he would soon receive for his efforts. He was for certain that he was making the world a better place.
That afternoon, Alfred leaves the laboratory and goes for a walk he notices that everyone looks a bit odd, that they all have a serious look on their face and that they were not able to communicate with each other.
Ў°WhyЎЇd you do that for,Ў± said a man as he picked himself off the floor.
Ў°WhyЎЇd you come up and attack me,Ў± screamed the other man.
Ў°I didnЎЇt attack you,Ў± he said with disgust. Ў°YouЎЇre the one who came up to me.Ў±
Ў° Yes I did, because I could hear you with my own ears, you were saying that I looked like a Ў®hot shotЎЇ and that I had a bad haircut.Ў±
Ў°I did not say that, he said with a worried voice. He knew he had thought it but he was sure that he definitely didnЎЇt say it aloud. He then questioned him back Ў°Why did you have to come up to me and punch me and force me to the ground?Ў±
Ў°I didnЎЇt mean to, I was only meant to give you a little jolt.Ў± Neither of the two could explain what was happening, they were strong without knowing their own power, and the other man could hear what people were thinking. They both couldnЎЇt comprehend what was happening so they faced each other so that they were face to face. Then all of a sudden they looked at each other strangely and they continued walking just like nothing had happened.
This was because the nano-particles in their bodies had acknowledged a problem and it didnЎЇt let them take their feeling any further. It stopped them from acting in a way that would cause havoc.
Alfred, still not satisfied, had seen that the people around him had changed, although Alfred was optimistic and thought that the humans had the potential to become even better and that it was just the Ў°getting use to itЎ± part that was causing conflict. Alfred snuck into the laboratory when Martin wasnЎЇt working. He took the cove of Jenston with him and climbed up the mountain of Peak of Peaks. He stood at the top of the mountain, and slowly opened the cove and carefully poured the remainder of the nano-particles into the water, this time it seemed like the reaction was too strong and it bubbled and finally dissolved into the water. He thought that he should become part of his experiment and drank the last drop