Narcotics Anonymous
By: Victor • Essay • 354 Words • March 27, 2010 • 1,492 Views
Narcotics Anonymous
The NA Way
I chose to do my paper on a Narcotics Anonymous meeting. I am quite familiar with this program; I have been clean and sober for nearly eighteen months and attend meetings weekly. Without the support and encouragement from my sponsors I guarantee I would still be where I was nearly two years ago. I prefer to attend closed meetings, because they are generally smaller; and I am able to open up to the group.
I attended my first meeting here, about two months ago. I went with my boyfriend to my first meeting. At the meeting I was touched, and swept away by the warmth and humor in the room- smiling faces, bright eyes, relaxed bodies and laughter. I felt myself leaning forward, drawn to the speakers, liking them a lot. I went back to another meeting and from there I attended three more meeting by myself. Everyone was so comforting and reassuring. What I love about NA is that there are no strings attached; anyone can come no matter what age, color, or social status you may belong to. The people at these meetings don’t judge you for the