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Narketing in the Digital Age

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Narketing in the Digital Age

Marketing In The Digital Age ANSWERS

Be sure to answer all parts of each question. Be sure to use complete sentences whenever appropriate.

Good Luck!

1. What were the four major forces that shaped the digital age?

Digitalized and Connectivity

Internet Explosion

New type of Intermediaries

Customization and Customerization

2. What are the four major e-commerce domains?

Business to Consumer

Business to Business

Consumer to Consumer

Consumer to Business

3. Define internet, intranet and extranet

Internet: A vast public web of computer networks, which connect users off all types

Around the world to each other and to an amazingly large information


Intranet: A network that connects people within a company to each other and to the

Company network.

Extranet: A network that connects a company with it’s suppliers and distributors.

4. Discuss the benefits of integrating online selling with in-store selling (use examples).

For example the store Game Stop and Game Stop dot com. They have an advantage on both territories and they broaden the customer base, by being available and online. You can afford to discount more sometimes online, to keep the customer shopping, and the company can make the customer service base open both online and in person, no matter how you bought the product. Also if you there was a problem with the product, you can physically take it back to the store and they can return or exchange. So the benefits are great, because the company has both markets at it’s advantage.

5. E-commerce and the Internet bring many benefits to both buyers and sellers alike. Briefly discuss the benefits to both buyers and sellers.

For buyers they might

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