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Neo Nazism

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Neo Nazism

The blood curdling scream ringed out on the empty street. The three Neo-Nazis beat and torture the young black man in every. To make the attack more vicious, the white men do not kill the young black man; however, they beat him to an inch of his life. Blood covers everything, the ground, the attackers, and the victim. Not wanting to let the young man off easy, the Neo-Nazis think of one more way to torture him. Grapping a chain out of the back of their Ford pickup, they tie one end around the black man’s neck and the other to the back of the truck. Knowing he is most likely not see the light of day again, the young victim says a prayer, for both him and his attackers. Soon after the Neo-Nazis start dragging the black man, he dies from blood loss and strangulation. This, however, does not stop the attacks from further punishing his body. After about a mile, the victim’s arm is ripped off. Shortly after, the truck pulls the head off the limp body of the black man (Langer 18-20).

This is only one example of the horrors associated with the “Neo-Nazi” movement. This movement is extremely dangerous. Therefore, it is important to understand who a “Neo-Nazi” is, what a “Neo-Nazi” believes, where “Neo-Nazis” are, and what a “Neo-Nazi” does. Along with these, one must know the causes of the “Neo-Nazi” movement to fully understand the movement. Of course, there are ways to curtail the “Neo-Nazi” movement. These measures involve law enforcement and citizen awareness and involvement. In the final analysis, protected constitutional rights, such as freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, must be honored. However, violence cannot be tolerated. Finally, “Neo-Nazism” cannot be completely eliminated because it appeals to the evil side of human nature, and the evil side persists. Hopefully, the good side prevails.

In order to control the “Neo-Nazi” movement one must first understand what a “Neo-Nazi” is. The term “Neo-Nazi” means exactly that, a new Nazis. Neo-Nazis are groups of white supremacist that formed in the mid- 1980s. The members of this group are known by different names, but they are most notably known as “Skinheads”, or “skins” for short. Neo-Nazis formed to keep alive the actions and beliefs of the Nazi regime and its leader Adolf Hitler. One way to identify a Neo-Nazis is by the way that he or she is dressed. The average Neo-Nazi wears combat boots, red suspenders, and an air bomber jacket (“American…” par. 1). The most obvious signs are the white supremacy slogans, swastikas, and other white pride emblems or tattoos (“American…” par.2). Although the number of groups that Neo-Nazis target is unsure, their main targets are Jews, African- Americans, and homosexuals. Instead of simple protest or political jargon, Neo-Nazis show their hatred through violent acts that often times lead to beatings and even murders (“Neo-Nazis” par.2). Neo-Nazis live throughout the United States

The Neo-Nazis movement is prevalent in various regions of the United States. The bulk of the movement takes place in the southern part of the United States, with it spreading to smaller installments in the Midwest, East and West coasts (“Active…” 1). The South is a hot bed of racially motivated hate groups, which makes this a perfect headquarters for the Neo-Nazis. With the majority of the groups located in small rural towns and cities, big cities rarely witness their wrath. However, when there is a rights movement in the bigger cities, these groups often make their presence felt by protesting with hate propaganda and with vocal rallies. These are normally out voiced by the general public and seen as a side-show (Alhers par.1). Leaving the South one is surprised to see groups of Neo-Nazis larger than fifty members. No matter where in the United States these Neo-Nazis may be, they have one central belief system that they all follow.

One belief is that race is “real”, and that God made people what they are for a reason. To Neo-Nazis, the white race is seen as builders of civilization who have created the modern world, whereas the people of color are the destroyers of society. According to the Neo-Nazis, the world is comprised of three races, the whites, the colors, and the Jews (Ezekiel 53). In Raphael Ezekiel’s article “An Ethnographer Looks At Neo-Nazis and Klan Groups”, he explains the ideology behind that Neo-Nazi races:

“Whites are the creation of God, who is White; people of color, whom they refer to as “the mud races,” have originated in the mating of Whites with animals. Along with White people and people of color, the world includes a third and very dangerous species, the Jews, who have resulted from the mating of Eve with the Serpent. Whites are actual humans and the children of God; Jews are not human but the children of Satan; and people of color are semi-human

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