Net Neutrality My View
By: manojmnj • Article Review • 706 Words • June 5, 2015 • 834 Views
Net Neutrality My View
…. tried onr simple analogy between the freedom on the internet (freedom to acess the ideas and knowledge) and the usual physical freedom in three dimentional world. If one choose to travel from west bengal to kerela alternatives could be bus, train or airplane and their charges could very due to the time, comfort and afordability. Here behind the scene there is un-said reality – one have freedom to go anywhere (unless he is crimnal or there is some serious doubt on his intensions) and the parties who are running the transportation buisness have freedom to choose the fare depending on the time, comfort, afordability and the kind of coustomer they want to attract. Among the parties one could be government too. But government can not have freedom to choose ‘kind of coustomer’ (ofcourse the democratic government). Now supose there is some kind of deal between west bengal, kerela and train. There could be some coustomer for andhra pradesh, and because of that deal there is severe ristriction for the people who want to land on the andhara. Ofcorse that deal could be made but such deal shall be made public, so that the people could make their choice. But you can not claim for every coustomer and then you empose unjustified ristriction on part of the coustomer. That’s not fair and is a cheating. It is something like a government asking for the participation and involvement of the each and every citizen for progress and high GDP rate, which infact government could be able to provide, but in past has laid their hand in killing and genociding the section of the same people they are seeking vote for. How somebody could allow their head in the hands of the people whoes hands are dipped in blood - in the name of high GDP? A person could be capable of giving high potential growth in one sector but also known to have desires for the sevre crime. It is not a doubt on their petrotism (or on their ability which could be better then the best of thoes in the opposition) but their tickling disire for crimnal offence which runs parrellely. Whether it would be justified to offer such person a role of leadership in the name of potential growth? There ofcorse would be people for pros and for cons.
I don’t believe that the airtel is imposing (or could impose) such ristrictions on the acces of few websites and providing high speed for other, that believe may be because of the soft corner I may be having for airtel – I am a coustomer of airtel from past decade or so. But when I tried to open the site of savetheinternet, through my mobile, every time I was told that my internet connection is slow, check your net connections or flight mode could be on. It may be by pure chance, but for thoes moments I was horrified if the claims were true about ristrictions. I learned about savetheinternet through my PC and not through my mobile. It could be purely by chance.