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Newspaper Vs. T.V

By:   •  Essay  •  536 Words  •  March 13, 2010  •  554 Views

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Newspaper Vs. T.V

The media in today’s society plays a very important role. There are two different kinds of media, written and non-written. Written media consists of newspapers and magazines. Non-written media consists of television and radio. These media’s differ in many ways. I am going to compare and contrast the two different types of media in today’s society.

Newspapers, which are a form of written media, come out daily. They inform us of everyday news and are the best way of finding out information in society. They inform us in many different aspects including the business world, sports, crime, and many other things. Local newspapers also provide information and knowledge pertaining to the environment around us. There are though some downsides to newspapers. First, only literate people can read this form of media limiting the rest of society to non-written media. Second, newspapers tend to add their own persuasive view on certain aspects. For example, the O.J. Simpson case. They can not include all the information about the case so they will add their views about the subject. Since the case went on for such a long period of time the information they can come up with daily is limited.

Magazines are another form of written media. This form of written media tends to come out weekly or monthly. They offer any and every topic a person would want to read about. Anything from sports to car audio to politics to home cooking. It is one of the most widespread forms of media. The only disadvantage magazines possess are when they come out. Usually a magazine has weekly issues but some do come out monthly. This means that they are a week behind most of the information in society or maybe even a month. That means that when it comes to keeping up with the news, sports and many other things, magazines do not offer the

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