By: Top • Essay • 290 Words • April 4, 2010 • 902 Views
Daisy is very stuck up and materialistic. She I only in her marriage for the money. Daisy is also a very fake person; “I'm paralyzed with happiness pg.13”. Tom is her husband only because he is very wealthy. When Gatsby comes back she went out with him and old feelings came back. She cheated on Tom but wouldn't leave because she thought divorce was wrong. I guess she never thought cheating fit in the same category as divorce.
Myrtle is in love with Tom and his lifestyle. Tom gives her everything that her husband cannot. Her husband is too nice to notice they wrong his wife is doing. However deep down Mr. Wilson must have know or he wouldn't have told her this “God knows what you've been doing, everything you've been doing. You may fool god but you can't fool god!”pg. 167. I think myrtle would have left her husband in a heart beat if Tom had left Daisy. Myrtle was blind by in infatuation