By: duncanftk • Essay • 1,302 Words • May 12, 2011 • 1,349 Views
You will find other useful help guides on the Library web pages to help you with researching and writing your assessments.
Plagiarism and Cheating
Your attention is drawn to the University's stated position on plagiarism. THE WORK OF OTHERS, WHICH IS INCLUDED IN THE ASSIGNMENT MUST BE ATTRIBUTED TO ITS SOURCE (a full bibliography and a list of references must be submitted).
Please note that this is intended to be an individual piece of work. Action will be taken where a student is suspected of having cheated or engaged in any dishonest practice. Students are referred to the University regulations on plagiarism and other forms of academic irregularity. Students must not copy or collude with one another or present any information that they themselves have not generated.
Mapping to Programme Goals and Objectives:
This assessment will contribute directly to the following Undergraduate programme goals and objectives.
1. Knowledgeable about the theory and practice of international business and management
Students will be able to:
x 1. Demonstrate current knowledge and understanding of the major functional areas of business.
x 2. Demonstrate current knowledge of specialist functional and professional areas of business where such specialisation is informed by relevant QAA benchmarks, professional accreditation requirements and applicable international educational standards.
x 3. Demonstrate, through the application of knowledge to business contexts and scenarios, their abilities of analysis and synthesis.
2. Skilful in the use of personal, professional and managerial techniques and processes
Students will be able to:
x 1. Demonstrate the acquisition and application of a range of personal transferable skills in numeracy, literacy, communication and time management.
x 2. Exhibit an understanding of the needs of customers, clients and other important contacts through the demonstration of the awareness of key professional and managerial issues, problem solving and critical thinking.
x 3. Apply managerial and leadership techniques, including negotiation, project management, team building and decision making to business problems appropriate to their level of study.
3. Employable as graduates
Students will be able to:
x 1. Demonstrate a range of key skills for securing graduate employment, including self presentation e.g. in CVs, interviews and assessment centres.
x 2. Demonstrate an active awareness of the graduate labour market in order to secure, retain and develop a graduate career.
3. Provide evidence of direct engagement with a range of graduate employers and professional bodies.
4. Aware of ethical issues impacting on business and professional practice
Students will be able to:
x 1. Demonstrate an understanding of UK and international organisations' approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility and their implications for organisations and individuals.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the ethical codes of professional bodies and the legal and regulatory contexts in which these operate.
x 3. Demonstrate an understanding of different perspectives towards organisational ethics including shareholder, stakeholder and critical approaches.
Assessment Criteria (NBS)
The first column indicates the general assessment criteria used within NBS the second column indicates the specific criteria used when marking your assessment.
Mark General Criteria Module Assessment Criteria
(80 - 100) Exceptional scholarship for subject. Outstanding ability to apply, in the right measure, the skills necessary to