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Obesity in America

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Obesity in America

Obesity in America

Obesity is spreading rapidly and is becoming a massive problem in America. “In the early 1970s, 14 percent of the population was classified as medically obese. Today, obesity rates are two times higher” (Elgar 15). According to the movie “Super Size Me”, America is the leading nation with the highest obesity rate in the world. As alarming as that sounds, the obesity rate in the United States is only increasing by the minute. In the movie, a scientific study was conducted to show the effects of a person eating unhealthy fast food on a regular basis. Morgan, a Caucasian man in his thirties, was monitored by various different doctors concerning his eating habits. He was required to eat food from McDonald's for thirty days consecutively, three times a day. One of the doctor responded to Morgan by saying that he either had to stop eating food with such high amounts of oil, sugar, and fat, or the result of his poor eating habit could end up tragic. Surrounding us are millions and. billions of fast food restaurants, each with it's own intentions with an attempt to lure us as customers into their trap. In an environment such as this, parents should teach their children which foods are healthy and best for them, encourage them to eat meals at home instead of eating out, and urge them to exercise regularly and stay in shape.

Teaching children what foods are healthy and best for them is a critical thing for children to learn. At a young age, if taught to do so, children are more likely to keep the healthy lifestyle and carry it throughout the rest of their lives. Parents should encourage their children to avoid eating unhealthy food, or junk food. Consumption of too much junk food may lead to serious illnesses such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease (Kui 29). Instead, have children eat more vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, celery, carrot, mushrooms, corn, tomatoes, or beans. Adding any of these vegetables to a child's daily meal, like a salad or soup, can automatically fill the child's body with enriching nutrients, vitamins, fiber, and minerals. A few scientific research studies show that a diet involving a high amount of vegetables will reduce the amount of fat that is damaging the arteries in the human body (O' Leary). Fruits are also an essential need in a child's daily meals. Apple, orange, watermelon, strawberry, peach, cherry, grapes, pineapple, and bananas are great choices of fruits which are full of fibers and nutrients that can help children grow and mature more healthy. Harvard University conducted two research study on the benefits of fruits and vegetables. One study is called Public Health's Nurses' Health Study, and the other study is a Health Professionals Follow-up Study. In the research, they found that vegetables and fruits, if eaten about thirty servings per week, can lower a very common type of stroke called ischemic stroke by an astounding thirty percent (Willett).

Fruits and vegetables are important for children’s health for two reasons.

First, children’s immediate needs for vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients are

found abundantly in plants. Without eating fruits and vegetables, children’s diets

could fall short in nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and folate, to

name a few. (Walker 134).

Encouraging children to eat at home is something that every parents should do. In the process of making food, mothers know what ingredients are healthy and what ingredients are not. Home-made meals are almost always more healthier than fast-food. Fast food restaurants often cook their food with a tremendous amount of oil and grease, increasing the risk of obesity. The Double Pounder is one of the many items featured on the McDonald's menu. Nutritionists claim

that there is an alarming 2,196 calories in this burger alone (Robson 13). Burgers are often accompanied by french fries and a Coke, Mountain Dew, or Pepsi, which only makes the amount of calories increase tremendously. Eating meals such as this will only lead to high cholesterol and blood pressure in the near future. To prevent children from consuming such a deadly amount of calories in a small meal, parents should persuade their children to eat at home more often instead of eating out.

Finally, exercising and staying in shape contributes a great deal to one's health in either children or adults. Combining a healthy diet and exercise can prevent obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and many more illnesses that can strike. Exercising is not only

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