Of Little Importance
By: Kevin • Essay • 382 Words • March 13, 2010 • 885 Views
Of Little Importance
Of Little Importance
In Alain DeBotton’s article “The Shame of Failure” she writes that “Our sense of an appropriate limit to achievement and wealth is never decided independently.” She continues to say that we ask others their thoughts on our lives and we are forever comparing ourselves to the successes of others. DeBotton sees this behavior as normal, acceptable. I believe that achievement and wealth is decided by the individual.
DeBotton says that Americans have the freedom to choose their lifestyle and in doing so can comparatively be better than or worse than other Americans. In order to solve this ongoing dilemma, DeBotton suggests that people can choose to either make more money or restrain their desires. She goes on to say that “modern societies have succeeded spectacularly at the first, but…have negated their achievements.” Americans do fight to attain wealth, but will not say no to their desires.
I do not believe that one can solve this status anxiety by making more money or restraining desires. Any given person will have desires for simple to ludicrous things. Money is a fact of life, a necessity. To fix status anxiety I believe that you should stop inflicting importance on not-so-important things. Why does you job make you a bad person? It doesn’t. Every job has importance and the key to fixing this is to make wages more equal. Why should