Oliver Twist
By: July • Book/Movie Report • 1,007 Words • May 22, 2010 • 1,538 Views
Oliver Twist
 Harry ~ He is Mrs. Maylie's son, and he is in love with Rose.
 Rose ~ She lives with Giles and Brittles, and is unsure on how she feels about Harry until the end.
 Oliver ~ Represents the misery and poverty of the poor during the 1800.
 Bil ~ He is a professional thief, a very mean person, an alcoholic, and is boyfriend of Nancy.
 Toby ~ A thief (he is Bill’s assistant).
 Nancy ~ A kindhearted woman who unfortunately pays for being that in the end. She is also Bil's girlfriend (who she is very scared of).
 Brittles and Giles ~ The people whose house was broken into by Sikes, Toby, and Oliver. Also the people who took care of Oliver after he came to them almost dead.
 Mrs. Bedwin ~ Housekeeper for Mr.Brownlow.
 Mr. Brownlow ~ Oliver's first apprentice, he and Mrs.Bedwin took very good care of him.
 Fagin ~ Teaches children how to become thieves, but all he does is make the children steal for him so that he doesn’t have to do it himself or an so he wouldn’t get caught doing it.
 Doctor Losberne ~ Doctor that helps Oliver after he get shot in the arm.
 Mr. and Mrs. Bumble ~ Preppy and Snobby people, and they dislike Oliver.
 Mrs. Corny ~ Mr. Bumble's wife, it was her maiden name before she was married to him.
 Mr. Monks ~ He was also known as the stranger, but he was really Edward Leeford (Oliver brother).
 Mrs. Maylie ~ She is Harry's mother.
Bil Sikes, Toby Crackit, and Oliver robbed Brittles and Giles.
In the process of the robbery Oliver is shot in the arm and so Sikes wouldn't get caught he left Oliver in a ditch to die. The next morning he walks to Brittles and Giles house and took him in and called the Doctor. When the doctor came he said that he was very excited to see the boy. After Oliver's arm is taken care of Brittles, Giles, Rose, Mrs. Maylie, and the doctor decided not to tell the police, but what they decide to do is take care of him and give him a home. When Oliver told them his story they felt very bad for him, so they left him alone to recover.
When Oliver did recover he finds out that Mr. Brownlow and Mrs. Bedwin had moved to the West Indies. So he then decided to take there offer and stay with them. He was very grateful that they took him in and took care of him when he was very ill.
Rose became very ill at one time and Harry decided to come home to comfort her. Rose then starts getting better and heads to a quick recovery. Harry was thrilled that she was finally healing.
Oliver was happy living at there house, he was now able to take walks without having to worry that someone might come behind him and grab him, until one night Oliver awakes to see Fagin standing outside of his window. He tells doctor Losberne and they start to chase after him but don't catch him, so they decided to keep searching for 2 days.
Mr. Monk (Edward Leeford = The stranger) decides to talk to Mr. Bumble (who isn't a beadle anymore) and his new wife (Mrs. Corney). Mr.Monks is trying to learn about Oliver's past (Family and other living relative). He demanded Mr.Bumble to tell him about Oliver. After they talked he asked Mr. Monk not to tell anyone of him or of the conversation they just had.
Nancy meets Rose and starts talking about her own horrid