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On the Rainy River

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On the Rainy River

Tim O’Brien, the author of The Things They Carried, is still undecided of whether to doge the draft and lose the respect of his family and friends, or go to the Vietnam War and lose his life, in the chapter “On The Rainy River”. Elroy’s actions reveal his good qualities that help Tim make this important decision, without any words of judgment or criticism. Elroy’s actions reveal heroic qualities. He is a silent Observer who helps Tim overcome his fears.

When Tim decided to leave his hometown of Worthington, Minnesota and drive almost five hundred miles to International Falls, Minnesota, he was unsure of what he was really doing. He knew he just had to leave. He ended up at the Tip Top Lodge, which was located on a peninsula on the Rainy River. It was owned by an eighty-one year old man, Elroy Berdahl. Tim describes him as “… skinny and shrunken and mostly bald. He wore a flannel shirt and brown workpants” (48). Elroy was smart man, and from his experience with all different kinds of people, he knew that Tim was in trouble and needed help. He gave Tim a room without asking any questions. His self-control for not forcing Tim to talk shows that Elroy was nonjudgmental.

Elroy spends a great deal of time with Tim. He allows Tim to help him with the work that is needed for the winter around the lodge. Tim helped Elroy sweep the cabins, bring the boats in, and cut and stack firewood. By his action of giving Tim work, to keep him occupied and to let him think clearly, it shows that Elroy was sympathetic. Even though Tim didn’t talk much, Elroy listened when he did. Elroy was not much of a talker either. Tim says that “… he [Elroy] had a way of compressing large thoughts into small, cryptic packets of language” (49-50). Often at night, after a long day of work, Elroy and Tim would sit down and play a game of Scrabble. Elroy would win every time they played. By sitting down and playing a game with Tim, even though there were no words being said, Elroy showed that he cared.

Elroy offered Tim money for the work he had done. He offered to pay Tim three hundred and seventy-five dollars. By offering Tim money, it shows that Elroy appreciates the hard work Tim has helped him with. Elroy and Tim came up with a price of two hundred and sixty dollars for his six nights of stay at the Tip Top Lodge including food. Elroy made Tim home cooked meals three times a day. After doing some math with the amount Tim owed for the six nights of stay, and the amount Elroy owed him for working, Elroy still thought Tim owed him one hundred and fifteen dollars. Tim would not accept this gift, but Elroy told him to take it and get a haircut. Tim did not take the money,

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