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One Night Stand

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One Night Stand

A one-night stand is a sexual activity that seems to be ubiquitous in a modern society where casual sex has become increasingly acceptable. In a general form, this act can be classified as a sexual activity occurring in one night between people that do not have any complimentary emotional attachments for each other. With this general definition, can a one-night stand be deemed morally acceptable? The traditional view of sexual morality places great importance on marriage. In this view, sex outside of marriage is morally unacceptable. Yet the traditional view is not without its problems. This argument relies heavily on Natural Law theory, which confuses the terms "is" and "ought". Just because something is for a purpose does not mean it ought to be for that purpose. Furthermore, the criteria for determining the purpose of something are confusing and detrimental to the overall argument. The deficiencies of this contention force us to look to other moral theories to determine what is acceptable moral conduct with respect to sex. So is there a philosophical approach that provides better insight into the question of a one-night stand? Aristotle's approach to morality in his version of virtue ethics accepts a conservative approach to sexuality yet is not burdened with the same problems as the traditional view. Rather than looking at the act itself, this philosophy analyzes the traits of human character that will determine good choices. Using the theoretical formulations of Aristotelian virtue ethics, a one-night stand is not morally acceptable. Furthermore, when challenged by a Kantian view of virtue, Aristotelian virtue is a favorable definition in morality. In order to better understand virtue ethics and a one-night stand, it is important to look at the basic theory of Aristotle.

Goodness according to Aristotelian virtue ethics is reached by pointing out that the goal of everything in the universe is to realize itself to the fullest. So in the case of humanity, what is the characteristic that separates itself from all other entities of the universe? The distinguishing characteristic of humanity is reason. Therefore, the highest good of man is the complete realization of his reason. However, reason is only a part of human existence. A person's life is also filled with feelings and desires. In this context, the goal of human life is to approach all other elements of human life with reason. Reason in turn fosters a realization of character traits manifested in habitual action that promote the flourishing of the individual. Such traits are always the mean between extremes of excess and deficiency. For example, generosity is the mean between wastefulness and stinginess. The good man is one that lives life according to these virtuous traits. He will be temperate, honest, just, considerate, and will give evidence of all the other virtues in his life. What does this say about a one-night stand?

The finality of an act in virtue ethics can be defined as self-realization. In this sense, an act must have been done so that a man realizes his virtues. A good act in turn is respectful of these virtues. This moral framework does not accept a one-night stand on moral grounds. A one-night stand as classified before is a sexual act void of any love or compassion by all those involved. At least one of the persons of our general one-night stand definition is emotionally detached from the other. However, virtue ethics realizes that human nature is individual yet is not completely detached from others. In this sense, those involved are not respectful of the virtues to which they should be realizing in their relations with each other. If a man murders another person, it is clear that he acted contrary to such important virtues as compassion, thoughtfulness, and self-control. Likewise, a woman that uses a man to fulfill her own sexual desires in a one-night stand would be void of these same virtues. These virtues must be present in the good person who in turn will make the right choice. This theory seems to help the traditional view of sexual morality, yet is there a satisfactory moral theory that could support a one-night stand?

Deontological theories offer a more liberal view when approaching sexual morality. Immanuel Kant proposed one of the most influential contemporary moral theories. Rather than looking at character traits, Kantian morality looks at duty.

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