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Ops Cheat Sheet

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Ops Cheat Sheet

Product Design

Concurrent Engineering: bringing engineering design, manufacturing, marketing & purchasing together early in the design phase; Delayed Differentiation: producing, but not quite completing, a product until customer preferences are known ; Design f/ Assembly: focus on reducing the # of parts in a product on assembly methods & sequence; Design f/ Disassembly: design so that used products can be easily taken apart; Design f/ Manufacturing: takes into account the organization’s manufacturing capabilities when designing a product; Life cycle: incubation, growth, maturity, saturation and decline; Modular design: parts are grouped into modules that are easily replaced/interchanged. Product is composed of # of modules not parts; Quality function deployment: a structured approach that integrates the “voice of the customer” into product design; Robust Design: design that can function over a broad range of conditions (Taguchi’s Approach: insensitive to env. Factors)

Discovery->G1:Idea Screen->Scoping->G2: 2nd Screen->Build Bus. Case->3rd Gate->Dev.->4th Gate->Testing->5th Gate->Launch->

(1)Product approval committee: top mgmt. directs activities, authorizes new products, reviewing their progress, allocating resources, and ensuring consistency between projects. (2) Core teams: cross-functional teams that plan/lead the projects THE WHOLE WAY (3) Phase reviews (stage gates): milestones; progress of core team is reviewed by the product approval committee;(4) Structured development process: project mgmt. techniques; break each phase into steps and each step into activities to determine their precedence relationships


Reliability: the ability of a product, part, or system to perform its intended function under normal conditions (.90 = 90% reliable); Rule 1: if two or more systems are independent and success depends on occurrence of all events, then this is a series system; Rule 2: if two or more systems are independent and success depends on occurrence of at least one of the events -> a parallel system; Reliability of a series system is less than the reliability of the least reliable machine in the series; Reliability of a parallel system is greater than the reliability of the most reliable machine in the series; Time-Quantity transposition: if the failure rate is constant over time, test more products in shorter time period for same result; Availability = fraction of time a repairable product is expected to be available for operation (range from 0 (never available) to 1 mean time to repair (MTTR)): average length of time to repair a failed item

Intro to Operations Management

Operations Mgmt: Mgmt of processes and systems that create goods and/or provide services; Process: series of linked actions, or changes

Efficiency: operating at minimum cost & time; Effectiveness: achieving the intended goals (quality & responsiveness); Scope: Design decisions: capacity, location, equipment. Model: Abstraction of reality, simplified representation. Quantitative Approaches: Attempt to obtain optimum solutions to mathematical models of ops. System Approach: interrelated parts that build up the product.

Main OPM = decision-making 1. Design: strategic, LT (1-5 yr); 2.Planning: tactical, MT (1-12 mths); 3. Schedule ST (1-12 wks)

Systems design: product/service design, system capacity, geographic location of facilities, arrangement of departments, layout, equipment

Production Vs. Services: tangible output vs. act  more customer contact in services, inventories for production, more demand variability for services. Production has more uniformity of input/output. Service has higher labour content but difficult measurement of productivity & quality assurance.

OP manager: Technical/behavioural competence. 1.Planning (capacity, location, layout), 2.Organizing (centralization, suppliers), 3.Controlling (inventory, quality), 4. Directing; Pareto phenomenon (80-20 rule): 20% of factors impact about 80% of the results achieved. avoid wasting time/energy; Production types: 1. CRAFT = high variety, few skilled workers, high cost; 2. MASS: high volume, standardize, labour division, interchangeable parts, low cost, low skilled, rigid; 3.LEAN: medium volume &variety, quality focus, teamwork, flexibility, less opportunity to advance, high expectations, general

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