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Overprotective Parents

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Overprotective Parents

Overprotective Parents

What are the roles of parents? I believe that the role of parents is essential for the growing minds of teenagers. Parents should be there to support me in my time of need or in my time of glory. I should be able to tell my parents everything instead of lying all the time to go somewhere or avoid a certain subject. They should not keep breathing over my neck to know everything there is to know about me by snooping through my room or for me to give them details on what happened at a movie one night. My parents should let me experience the real world and not have me kept locked up in the house all the time. They will not always be there to protect me from the harsh reality of life. Overprotective parents aggravate me because they invade my privacy, they treat me as a child, they have me on a curfew, they do not support me, they are inconsiderate of my feelings, and they do not communicate with me.

Overprotective parents aggravate me because they invade my privacy. Privacy to me is not snooping through any of my things and letting me have my personal space. My parents just call my name when they are right by my door and then just barge in when I answer. I hate that because I may be getting dressed from just getting out of the shower. Sometimes my mom goes through my trash to find something to yell at me for and it is so disgusting. I sometimes come home to find the things in my room are rearranged differently. That is another way of knowing someone has been in my room and snooping around. When I am on my laptop, she peers over my shoulder and questions what picture I am looking at or what I am writing. I tell her it is none of her business and she goes on about how I am living under her roof so it is her business. She gives me no time for myself, when I want to be alone she bothers me.

My parents treat me like a child. I am 18 years old, an adult and I get treated like a ten year old. They always constantly remind me to do something such as wash the dishes, take out the trash, or even feed the cats. They do not understand that I know that I need to do these things. I always have to ask permission on where I am going, who I am with, and what time I am going to be home. I am not that little child anymore who has to be told to take a shower, brush my teeth, eat my vegetables, or comb my hair. My parents like to sit on the couch and eat, but they tell me that I cannot sit and eat on the couch. The only time I can do that, is if we have a party. I am an adult and I would like to be treated like one. It is ridiculous living in a world full of adults, but only knowing the life of a child.

Overprotective parents aggravate me because I am put on a curfew. Being that I am 18 and in a college atmosphere, I still have to make a curfew. My parents call an “early night” nine or ten o’clock at the latest. I would like to stay out until two or three o’clock in the morning from a party and to just experience the college lifestyle. Since I live at home, I do not receive that luxury of staying out late at night and experiencing college life. I cannot hang out with the majority of my friends after they get off of work because they get off around nine or ten at night. Although I am borrowing my parent’s car, I still should be able to go out as late as I want and I will be responsible enough to come back in one piece.

My parents do not support me. Support to me is when you say encouraging words to someone or attending a game or ceremony that means a lot to them. When the guidance counselors at the high school and I decided I would attend college, my mother had said in a nasty tone, “You think you are going to go to college? Do you think we can afford that?” I am

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