Personal Inventory
By: Garvin Stewart • Essay • 761 Words • September 23, 2014 • 1,206 Views
Personal Inventory
When someone hears my name, more than likely they think of an athlete, someone that’s outgoing, a people person. But when I hear my name, I see a hard worker, someone who doesn’t give up. Someone who wants to succeed in life, and has the perseverance to do so.
I wouldn’t call myself an expert in anything, because I don’t know how to do anything perfectly. People have their own unique ways of learning and doing things, so that is why they call themselves experts. Like basketball for example, I know how to play the sport well, but I’m not an ‘expert’ at the game. There are legends way before my time that have perfected the game, and I don’t think that anyone will surpass that level of expertise. One thing that I’m proud of is my ability to contribute. Knowing that I have that ability to do so at a moments notice is a blessing to some people. Whether it’s athletic related or school related, having that ability can take someone a long way in life.
When it comes to money, like $100 for example, I would rather save it then spend it right away. I could use the money that I save and invest it into something more. Maybe food. Chocolate chip cookies are my favorite, and is probably the best dish I could cook. Whoever invented the chocolate chip cookie, thank you! But someone that I admire greatly has to be Michael Jordan. Hands down. To me, he changed the game of basketball. He did have help from some great players that he played with and/or against, but ultimately, he led the charge. Now every little kid wants to be like him, to this day.
After all of the years I’ve been in school, it seems like teachers have the same thing to say about me. That I’m a pleasure to teach. Not only because it says it on the report card, but because they see a student who wants to make a name for themselves. I don’t really have a favorite class, only because I like my classes equally, but all of my classes are difficult. Like spanish. It has always been an aspiration to learn a second language, but I never knew how hard the process would be, and the steps a person had to take to be able to learn the language. But it’s teachers like Ms. Eaton, my spanish teacher, that push me to become a better student, and be able to learn the language. And I greatly appreciate the perseverance that teachers like Ms. Eaton have, to do everything in their power to not let anyone fail. Because they know if you fail, they fail too.
Five years from now, I envision myself playing college