Personal Perspective Paper
By: Venidikt • Essay • 438 Words • April 2, 2010 • 970 Views
Personal Perspective Paper
Personal Perspective
What is life without an education? I consider this to be an empty vessel with a bottomless pit. I have forever been intrigued by school and the education I was receiving. There was something that always pushed me to want to learn more. As I think about it, the reason that I had, and still have this drive, stems from the struggles that I see within my family and community. Every morning that I wake up and get out of my bed, I hear some type of negative information that has to do with someone close to me or around me that strives to survive. I look at my siblings and my mother and I wonder why my family goes wanting and needing various things on a day-to-day basis. It truly motivates me to do all that I can to meet those needs. Since I can remember, I have always been a very independent person with a strong mind and I will stop at nothing to overcome a challenge. I regret to say that so many of my family members became a statistic and have very little to offer to society. I am determined to transform this and make a difference in my life and the lives of my children. The amount of edification that I should acquire has no end. No one is perfect and no one has learned everything needed to be known in life.
My decision to pursue my master’s degree was also based on financial circumstances. I recognize that the higher the degree I earn, the more compensation I will receive for my work.