By: Bred • Research Paper • 594 Words • April 16, 2010 • 1,009 Views
Associate of Specialized Technology degree coupled with 23 years experience and
extensive classroom and hands -on technical training provide by Motorola & Nikon Precision
Work with sheet metal layout and fabrication from blueprints. Performed arc, mig, tig and spot
welding. Use pop riveter press brake, roll press and various sheet metal fabrication tools.
Skilled at troubleshooting and repair of photolithogrophy equipment to ensure equipment
operation meets production specification
Operate and maintain a wide variety of high-technology production equipment.
Earned plaque for over six years of perfect attendance at Motorola.
2001-to Present date: Progressive Field Service Engineer Il, Nikon Precision USA
Support of microlithography (steppers and scanners) equipment, which features state-of-the-art
optics, mechanics and electronics. Modelsscanning-type KrF steppers NSR-S204B, NSR-S205C,
and NSR-S206DP. Installs snd sustains, mechanical, optical, and limited process related issues.
Researches and utilizes technical
resources available in order to successfully maintain equipment. Customer liaision/interface for
answering questions, and providing limited customer training on equipment usage.
Perform administrative duties such as completing accurate and timely expense reports,
equipment related issues utilizing "MERLIN" a peoplesoft program that includes, Service
Activity Reports, time sheets and necessary technical reports as required. Cross-train
on other NPI products as directed. Perform unassisted monthly and annual preventive
maintenance. Other duties and responsibilities as required or assigned by supervisor.
20-year progressive career with Motorola,Inc., Phoenix, Arizona
1992-1999, Maintenance Technician, N10, Motorola, Incorporated
Provide coverage for photo and etch production. Performed electrical troubleshooting,
diagnose equipment malfunctions and repair electronics to the component level. Provided
preventive maintenance and report major malfunctions to engineering staff. Recommend
modifications and upgraded equipment for more efficient operation. Trained production
operators on light preventive maintenance and informed them of scheduled down time.
Equipment worked on included:
Photo: Dianipon developers/ coaters, SVG Coaters/Developers, Canon PLA- 501 Aligners,
Cobilt Aligners, and Solitec Coater/ Developer.
Etch: Tegal Ashers, Blue M Ovens, Semi Tool Dryers, Piranha Acid Hoods, Mesa Acid
Hoods and Vacuum Acid Hood.
1987-1992,Operator Adjustor
Performed similar duties to electronic technician position but did not repair component level.
1985-1987 ,Production Aligner
Operated Canon PLA, 501F and 501A precision wafer aligners,*Maintained zero