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Pet Peeve

By:   •  Essay  •  424 Words  •  May 13, 2010  •  2,622 Views

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Pet Peeve

People that chew with their mouths open are people repellents. Nobody wants to be friends with the person chomping away at their meal. For as long as I can remember I’ve known at least one person I wanted to smack across the face because of their poor eating skills. Chewing with your mouth open also makes you look like you belong in a barn with animals.

While you’re out eating with friends, and the person across from you is chewing their food so loudly its all you can concentrate on you realize you don’t want to invite that friend out to lunch anymore. If the word gets around that you are a loud, obnoxious chewer nobody is going to invite you out to lunch and you probably won’t get many dates. The dates you do end up getting won’t go very far and you could possibly be destined to live alone forever.

Chewing with your mouth open can lead people to believe that you live in a trailer park and weren’t brought up properly, even if you have a degree in biochemical engineering. Say you’re a well known biochemist and you are asked to dinner by a prospective boss. Everything is going well until the food arrives, and the prospective boss is asking you questions and instead of waiting until you’ve swallowed to answer the questions you answer while scarfing down your dinner. It makes you appear like you have no manners or previous human contact. Nobody wants to work with that kind of person.


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