By: regina • Essay • 283 Words • April 17, 2010 • 888 Views
"Crusin down the street in my 6 4..." Easy E once said it right. I believe that Easy E made a hit off of me, or at least I want to think that. Was it the blond mullet, the long, red-striped tube socks, or my favorite, the eagle's throwback jersey?
I don't know what it was that made me such a bad ass, but I pretty much was. You think I'm joking? What were you doing at the splendid age of six?
Probably not driving. What else would a six year old want to do? While most kids were riding their tricycles with training wheels down to the park, I was rockin' the '88 Celebrity.
On my farm, in the boonies, far from pedestrians, traffic, and all other obstacles, was a narrow dirt road that lead to, well, somewhere. Surrounded by big green wheat fields, and some telephone poles on both sides was just this dirt road.