Planetary Combinations for Administrative and High Judicial officers
By: July • Term Paper • 2,991 Words • May 1, 2010 • 1,484 Views
Planetary Combinations for Administrative and High Judicial officers
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According to Jataka Parijata (VII - 9) :
When full moon in the 9th occupies exaltation, own or friendly house; and Mars and Saturn occupy the 2nd and the 10th, a ruler of the earth is born. Further, Jataka Parijata (VII - 44) says :
If Saturn and Mars be in the 10th, 5th or 1st house and full Moon be in a sign owned by Jupiter, the person born will be a king.
Jupiter holds supremacy over all other planets as the preceptor of the gods. He represents the throne, treasure, royal honour, intellect, brilliancy, moving in village, travelling in a vehicle bordered on four sides (Uttarakalamrita, V- 38-41); legal affairs, diplomacy, power of discussion, respect and reputation, guardianship, wisdom, minister also knowledge and dignity. Jupiter is the giver of health, wealth and progeny. His aspect and association are said to be extremely beneficial.
All of these qualities of Jupiter have close identity with the status and duties of an administrative officer. He holds high supreme position in the government. He stands strong like other planets in his own, exaltation, friendly house and Moolatrikona Rasi.
He assumes power in Pisces, Sagittarius, Cancer, Aquarius and also in his debilitation sign. He is auspicious in the rising sign, in the 4th as well as th 10th from Lagna and gives much wealth.
He gets Digbala in Lagna; and thus gets strong, aspecting the 5th, 7th and the 9th with full aspect. He is auspicious in his oblique aspect (Jataka Parijata II - 31).
Jupiter's aspect over any planet as a natural benefic is of weighty importance apart from the fact that he may be temporarily ill-placed. The opposition aspect with the Moon is extremely good.
Jupiter in conjunction
with Mars makes the native loving, revered, wealthy and acquainted with the science of computation (Jataka Parijata VIII - 4). If the combination happens to be in the 10th house, it makes one a judge or magistrate.
In relationship with Saturn, both being philosophical planets, Jupiter tends to give philosophical views or an ability for impartial assessment of things. Thus, Jupiter in strength and especially, having to do anything with the 6th or the 11th, promises strong indications for an administrative job under the government.
Appendix A
IAS Officers
Sl. No. Saturn Mars Jupiter Yoga
1. 1. 6th lord from the
Ascendant and 9th and
10 th lord from the 9th.
2. In the 10th in friendly sign.
3. In the 2nd from the Moon
in friendly sign. 1. Aspects the 6th , 9th
and 10th.
2. Mutual aspect with exalted
3. In the 3rd in own sign. 1. Aspects the 11th, the
Ascendant and the 9th.
2. Debilitated in the 5th.
3. Aspected by Saturn.
4. Lord of the 11th from
the Moon. -----------
2. 1. 6th lord.
2. Aspects the 6th and the
3. In the 2nd in friendly sign.
4. Owns the Moon