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Pr Study Guide

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Pr Study Guide

People to know:

1. Glen Broom- He was selected as the outstanding journalism professor at San Diego State University in 1989. Co-author of my book./introduced 4 practitioner roles

2. David Dozier- He is a member of the public relations faculty of the School of Communication, San Diego State University, one of the top-ranked public relations programs in the United States. He is the founding Graduate Director for the School of Communication (1995-1998).

3. Martha Lauzen- Dr. Martha M. Lauzen holds a Ph.D. in Public Communication from the University of Maryland. She conducts academic and industry research on the role of women in television and film.

4. Elizabeth Toth- Toth has co-authored Women and Public Relations: How Gender Influences Practice; The Velvet Ghetto:PRSA Glass Ceiling studies.

5. Carolyn Cline- velvet ghetto in 1986/ studies documented of the class ceiling.

6. Linda Aldoory- In 2001 wrote the standard white women in PR which is in out reader.

7. Bey-Ling Sha- our teacher

8. Rochelle Ford- associate dean at Howard/ had an effect on pigeon holding

9. K. Sriramesh-came up with cultural interpreter model in India.

10. Samuel Adams-sustained campaigns to shape and move public opinion/go bk to rev. war

11. Amos Kendall- key member of pres. Jackson “kitchen cabinet”

12. P.T. Barnum-master of embellishment “Ringling bros”

13. Mathew St. Clair Clarke- Biddles publicist/ saturated the nations press with press releases.

14. George Westinghouse- first corporate PR department was established by him in 1889.

15. Ernest Heinrichs- Pitt journalist hired by Westinghouse to get his story to public.

16. Louis McHenry Howe- Fdr counselor

17. Theodore Vail-American telephone and telegraph CO. pioneered in PR.

18. Samuel Insull- promoted direct current founded by Edison/ battle of currents

19. Ivy Lee- wrote the declaration of principles

20. Arthur Page-Insisted PR must have voice in organ. Policy/first PR managers.


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