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Premarital Sex to Teenagers

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Premarital Sex to Teenagers

Teenage Sex

Sexually active teenagers, in America, are a significant problem we must look at. A question that rings in the minds of teenagers everywhere is when to have sex. Our Catholic teachings, instruct us to wait until one is in a loving marriage to have sex. Not only is the church preaching abstinence, but now public schools are also teaching students on the advantages of abstinence. Premarital sex is a growing, and important issue. Premarital sex is usually the cause of sexually transmitted diseases, teen pregnancy, and deep, emotions of regret.

Sexually transmitted diseases flourish in a society of premarital sex, where teens have many sex partners. A direct result of this, is STD's becoming more abundant among the population. One reason for the plague of STD's is the misuse of contraceptives by teens. Many teens believe that condoms, or the pill prohibit the spread of herpes, AIDS, or other diseases, but in fact, they do not stop the spread, and no where do the products state that they do stop the spread of STDs. Three million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases among teens are reported each year. Many teens that believe nothing is wrong in committing premarital sex have intercourse with many different teens through the ages of 15 and 19, and increase the chance of spreading sexually transmitted diseases each time. With sexual intercourse on the rise with high school students, and its acceptance among the public, even more teens are having sex now, to the point that every eleven seconds a teen has sex for their first time. Seventy percent of these students say they were socially pressured into having sex. If society has the power to pressuring teens to have sex, society ought to use that power to educate teems about the dangers of premarital sex.

Sex before marriage has also been one of the major causes of teen pregnancy. Teens often think that pregnancy just cannot happen to them, yet teen pregnancy grows each year, and shows no stop. Carelessness is the significant factor in teen pregnancy, whether the carelessness is in contraceptive use, or choosing of a partner. Teens just use different forms of contraceptives and birth control incorrectly. Teens, in most cases, do not have the maturity to choose a life partner at their age, and choose wrong, ending up in wrong results such as an unplanned pregnancy. Many of unplanned pregnancies happen because of the lack of knowledge. Some teenagers just do not realize either how easy it is to become pregnant, or how to correctly use birth control. Some other teens actually believe they are in love and actually plan to have a baby, but do not have knowledge of the finances involved. Thirty percent of unplanned pregnancies in America involve teen parents. Premarital

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