By: Victor • Research Paper • 399 Words • June 5, 2010 • 1,134 Views
Presidents 1945 to the Present
Harry Truman – Democrat – 1945 to 1953
Created the Marshall Plan
Abolished segregation in the Armed Forces
Dropped the Atomic Bomb (positive because it was a route that didn’t involved US soldiers dying)
Supported United Nations
Recognized State of Israel
Getting involved in the Korean War
Truman Doctrine
Dwight Eisenhower – Republican – 1953 to 1961
Brought an armistice agreement to the Korean War
Signed Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956
Supported the decision of Brown v. Board of Education
Social Security Program introduced
Launched the Space Race
Increased priority of Nuclear Weapons
Kept pressure on Soviet Union increasing tensions for war
John F. Kennedy – Democrat – 1961 to 1963
Created Peace Corps
Nuclear Ban Test Treaty adopted
Proposed Civil Rights Act of 1964
Proposed “New Frontier” domestic programs
Proposed Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
Bay of Pigs Invasion
Cuban Missile Crissis
Lyndon Johnson – Democrat – 1963 to 1969
Designed the “Great Society”
Introduced Medicare
Passed Civil Rights Act of 1964
Compromised Medicaid
Passed Economic Opportunity Act
Tet Offensive
Expanding numbers in Vietnam
Richard Nixon – Republican – 1969 to 1974
Opened Diplomatic Relations with China
Removed American Involvement in Vietnam
Approved development of NASA’s Space Shuttle Program
Supported Israel against Soviet’s Allies
Signed Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
Water Gate Scandal
Supporting Pakistan in the Indo-Pakistan War of 1971
Gerald Ford – Republican – 1974 to 1977
Did not intervene North Vietnamese invasion on the South
Passed Tax Reduction Act of 1975
Prevented spread of Swine Flu
Signed Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975
With drawled all US Citizens from Saigon before its fall.
Took much criticism for Watergate
Proclamation of 4311
Jimmy Carter – Democratic –