Problem-Solving Tools and Techniques Paper
By: Monika • Research Paper • 1,238 Words • May 12, 2010 • 1,452 Views
Problem-Solving Tools and Techniques Paper
Brainstorming Tools and Techniques
Defining a problem when a poor decision is made; finding an appropriate right tool or technique to approach problem-solving. There are so many solutions to solve a problem. Brainstorming is one of the common tools to be used to stimulate and capture creative thoughts and ideas. Brainstorming can be used by either individual or group. If you brainstorm on your own, the ideas can be more creatively. Using some tools, such as Post-It Note will be helpful to scribe on some ideas. Group brainstorming can be very effectively and tends to develop ideas in more depth than individual. In my company, my boss used brainstorming successfully to change his business direction.
Problem-Solving Tools and Techniques
Good decision-making is an essential skill for career success generally, and effective leadership particularly. If you can learn to make timely and well-considered decisions then you can often lead your team to spectacular and well-deserved success. However, if you make poor decisions, the opening scenarios are potentially very costly to your organization. Before solving the problem, you need to define the problem and find a right tool and technique to approach problem-solving. There are many ways to define a problem. For instance, you could observe or interview those people who are involved in the process, analyze available data, or hire a consultant for this problem scenario. Whether you do it alone or this problem will be solved by a group which can be performed virtually or through the use of available computer-aided problem-solving tools.
Among of these tools and techniques, Brainstorming is an effective way to generate many of ideas on a specific issue and it is also a useful and popular tool that you can use to develop highly creative solutions to a problem. Brainstorming is particularly useful when used with your team. It helps you bring the experience of all team members into play during problem-solving. This increases the richness of solutions explored that you can find better solutions to the problems, and make better decisions. It can also help you get buy in from team members for the solution chosen; after that, they have helped shape that solution. Brainstorming is a lateral thinking process; it asks people come up with ideas and thoughts that seem at first to be a bit crazy. You can change and improve them into ideas that are useful, and often stunningly original. During brainstorming sessions there should be no criticism of ideas. You are trying to open up possibilities and break down wrong assumptions about the limits of the problem. Judgments and analysis at this stage will stunt idea generation. Ideas should only be evaluated at the end of the brainstorming session. You can explore solutions further using conventional approaches.
Brainstorming can be performed by either individual or group. When you brainstorm on your own you will tend to produce a wider range of ideas than with group brainstorming. You do not have to worry about other people opinions, and can be more freely creative. However, you may not develop ideas as effectively as you do not have the experience of a group to help you. When Brainstorming on your own, it can be helpful to use Mind Maps or Post-It Note to arrange, develop and scribe some ideas.
Group brainstorming can be very effective as it uses the experience and creativity of all members of the group. When individual reaches his limit on an idea, another member's creativity and experience can take the idea to the next stage. Therefore, group brainstorming tends to develop ideas in more depth than individual brainstorming. Brainstorming in a group can be risky for individuals. Valuable but strange suggestions may appear stupid at first sight. Because of this, you need to chair sessions tightly so that uncreative people do not crush these ideas and leave group members feeling humiliated. In order to run a group brainstorming session effectively, the following guidelines will be considered. Define the problem you want solved clearly, and lay out any criteria to be met. Stick the notes on a wall or whiteboard so that each note can be seen. Articulate the theme or the question. Keep the session focused on the problem. Set a time limit. Ensure that no one criticizes or evaluates ideas during the session. Try to get everyone to contribute and develop ideas. Let people have fun brainstorming. Encourage them to come up with as many ideas as possible. Welcome creativity from group members. Encourage