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Promotion is the specific mix of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations a company uses to pursue its advertising and marketing objectives. The objectives that are met by promoting are to move the target market through the following phases:

Unawareness -> Awareness -> Beliefs/Knowledge -> Attitude -> Purchase Intention -> Purchase

It is believed that consumers cannot skip over a phase, but they need to move through them. Promotion is used to move the target market from one phase to another to finally purchase.

Current strategy

The promotion strategy which currently uses by the company is the ABL method, advertising. This advertising approach communicates a uniform image of the company across Canada. It is true that this provides a universal image of the company to the consumers. In Quebec, where most of the residents are French-speaking, this company chose to use a direct translate of the advertising messages. However, this strategy might not communicate the messages well because the context of the messages in the ads carry a heavy weight age; therefore, a maximum exposure is needed here which means marketers have to put an effort when they think about the messages that they are going to advertise. The straight translation from English into French just doesn’t work.

Recommended strategy

Today, most of going-global companies adopt a marketing strategy called adapted marketing mix. It is an International marketing strategy for adjusting the marketing-mix elements to each International target market, bearing more costs but hoping for a larger market share and return. The concept behind this is consumers in different countries have widely varied cultural backgrounds, needs and wants, spending power, product preferences, and shopping patterns. Because these differences are hard to change, most marketers adapt their products, prices, channels, and promotions to fit consumers’ desires in each country.[Globalization and localization:3 ]

Marketing theory distinguishes between two main kinds of promotional strategy - "push" and "pull".


In push marketing, you �push’ your content or product towards the audience which may or may not be aware of it. In other words, push-marketing involves the active engagement of a target market through methods like advertising on relevant websites, email marketing and the practice of cold calling or emailing a prospect. In push-marketing, you largely focus on the features of your product or service and you seek a direct response from the targeted audience. They buy, don’t buy or opt-in to your newsletter for more permission-based marketing. In a sense, push-marketing often involves short-term strategies which involves specific event or time-based campaigns (Christmas deals, new membership offers). An initial push strategy for new product is useful because the brand/product is as yet unfamiliar to your target market. Actively engaging your peers by networking and pushing your best products are smart things to do because you don’t have an audience that will do it for you. The biggest mistake you will make is to assume that potential consumers know about your products. When your products are completely new, it is difficult to obtain attention because readers and the media may be uncertain about your content or expertise. Push-marketing makes your brand pervasive and ubiquitous. It also helps you to acquire leads which you can convert into loyal supporters.


Conversely, in a pull-marketing scenario, the customer �pulls’ your content or product towards themselves, because they are interested in learning more about it. Pull-marketing largely involves the active development of a highly visible brand. Also, it focuses on the development of trust and perceived value. This encourages customers to actively seek you out, because they believe you can fulfil their needs. Methods commonly used include media interviews, conference speaking, syndication of your content and word of mouth. It focuses on building your business or personal brand. Your target market is more diffuse and not strictly defined by your actions: you don’t email 20 targeted prospects; you generate publicity in order for end-users to find you naturally on their own.

In this case, we suggest that Deluxe Foods, Ltd could perform the Push strategy to increase the sales. It is always a better way to push your own products to consumers than waiting for them to find u. It is that marketers have to find the touch-point, a way to reach consumers.

In addition, the internet marketing has gone up so much within these last few years.

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