Provincial Health Research Organization
By: Marishka Yasmin • Case Study • 860 Words • November 15, 2014 • 846 Views
Provincial Health Research Organization
Case 1
Client: Provincial Health Research Organization
Topic: Business Planning
Our client was:
A provincial Ministry that was acting as a catalyst in the formation of an organization designed to facilitate translational health research
The organization required a full description of its mandate and its operational requirements to facilitate the launch of the organization
A full requirements definition was needed as a basis for bringing on a Board, senior management and needed staff
The challenges facing us were in:
Dealing with the complexities of multi-stakeholder requirements
Developing a private-public sector collaboration model that would meet all needs and value systems
Developing a business model that would allow for a self-sustaining organization within a foreseeable time period
Developing concrete operational parameters from original concepts
The actions we took to address these challenges were:
Worked with senior clinical, legal and management staff in defining requirements
Collected available background information and data
Worked with senior staff and management in developing a business model and operational requirements
Prepared business requirements plan and documentation material for presentation to relevant stakeholders
Our actions resulted in:
A plan to address operational requirements
The successful launch of the organization
Ongoing success of the organization in delivering on its mandate
Case 2
Client: High-tech Company
Topic: Business Planning
Our client was:
An up-and-coming high tech, financial business
Possessing a viable business concept with aspirations of increased growth
Aiming to acquire the necessary venture capital to increase the size of the business
The challenges facing us were in:
Helping the client attain the necessary capital in a given time frame
Ensuring the client's business plan was both feasible and designed for growth potential
The actions we took to address these challenges were:
Conducted a full review of the business to find any possible weaknesses
Assessed the needs of the business through an analysis of the management, technology, and financial areas of the organization
Identified the key areas holding the most promise for growth
Developed projections of potential growth
Assisted the organization in developing a detailed business plan and presentation in order to obtain venture capital
Our actions resulted in:
The development of strategic alliances for the client
Serious negotiations with potential investors for venture capital
An effective business planning package that covered all of the necessary areas
A sound business that avoided major pitfalls and is now running smoothly
Case 3
Client: Manufacturing Enterprise
Topic: Rapid Growth
Our client was: