Puppies Help
By: Andrew • Essay • 270 Words • March 11, 2010 • 911 Views
Puppies Help
Puppies Help
“ Acquiring a dog may be the only opportunity a human ever has to choose a relative” (Canfield 120). There is no arguing that statement with anyone who owns a dog. While dogs are often called the family pet, they are better identified and better described as part of the family. The close relationship that develops between a dog and it’s owners can be nothing less than family. Therefore, dogs are special to people no matter what age, but for children the opportunity to have a dog is especially important. Children often feel a special connection with dogs. Children that grow up with a dog in their family benefit both emotionally and developmentally, while receiving a special form of companionship.
Dogs provide an unconditional love and affection that can do nothing, but build self-esteem. A study was administered to school-aged, city children who were not exposed to many animals because of apartment living.