Pyramid Schemes
By: Anna • Essay • 625 Words • April 20, 2010 • 970 Views
Pyramid Schemes
Pyramids schemes are illegal business operations that usually promote getting rich quick and easy. The organizers profit from internal consumption. People are required to purchase "stuff", either product inventory or sales packages or training materials... or all three. If you don't distribute/use/sell or benefit from any of it you're out of luck, and money. Generally the company or person that sold it to you doesn't care because they've made their profit. Many times people in these schemes are paid money just for bringing people into the organization. There hasn't even been an exchange of any goods or services. Too bad for the sucker! THAT IS A SCAM!
Virtually EVERY business is set up in a Multi-level or hierarchical structure. This includes things like education, healthcare, finance, manufacturing etc... ALL business. You have owners who started the operation. You have managers that run the business. You have supervisors who answer to the bosses and managers. Then you have the regular staff that get paid for their time and position. This is a capitalist system that rewards people for their time (at the bottom especially) and/or effort. Think about it... who generally gets more pay, the guy who owns a business or the guy he hired and trained to run it? Owners get more than managers who get more than supervisors who get more than workers. When you work longer & harder, have more experience and training and are willing to accept more responsibilities and risk you will make more money.
Often when something doesn't work out perfectly for someone their first reaction is to point a finger at something or somebody else and say "it must be their fault". It couldn't possibly be them or something they did or didn't do. Excuses are man's way of avoiding responsibility/accountability for their actions and situations.
I learned a long time ago to believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. Peoples opinions are just their perspectives on things. Just because somebody feels a certain way about something doesn't mean you should share their viewpoint. Facts are what tell you how it actually is. You need to go to reputable sources and get the facts not Joe Blow who's willing to offer a biased opinion based on no information.