By: Atif • Essay • 702 Words • May 24, 2010 • 1,028 Views
Racism is believed to be a thing of past. Many people in the modern life, when asked about the racism show reaction to hear the word as if they were totally unaware of it. In fact the current situation is going this way where people are unaware of Racism in their society because they don't feel being discriminated. Daniels Tatum's topic Defining Racism is based on these facts in which she argues the racism as unawareness to the people. Her work focuses those people who do not give attention to condition of racism, who do not have ever focused the discriminated housing scheme in their community, who haven't read newspaper about the racial discriminated article and who hasn't seen the reports of incidents due to racially motivated hate crimes rising in America.
Writer focuses three causes that lead to the development of prejudice, stereotype, omission and distortion that cause misconception about the other color people. She made to realize that when living in favorable circumstances of White forgot to keep an eye on other color people, and that discrimination does not lead itself but rises due to the three causes defined above. When stereotypic images created in the mind of students or the misinformation about other color people spread, the racism occurs. Many people claim that they are not racist, indeed they are not, but they have been indulging in such activates that causing the racism to occur. A simple example is of such students of ages below five when asked to draw picture of African American will certainly not draw instead we rephrase them to draw picture of American Indians, all will have a common image of that feather above their heads. The writer raises her voice to take responsibility to eliminate theses differences by asking them questions like Am I perpetuating or reinforcing negative messages in our culture? Am I acknowledging and examining my own prejudice, my own categorization of others? We do not intent ourselves but this trends passed on to us from our fathers and will be to our children, we have to take responsibility to interrupt this cycle.
Ans2) The particular ethnic group is affected by racism as David Wellman in his book Portraits of White Racism argues and define racism as the "system of advantage based on race", in which he discussed examples of how White people defend their advantages over other color people. The system that had developed involving culture images, practices and action of individuals serves in the United States and giving clear advantages to Whites and disadvantages to color