Reactions to Sexism Adds
By: Jacob Thomas • Essay • 642 Words • February 16, 2015 • 757 Views
Reactions to Sexism Adds
Jacob Thomas
Professor Young
English 1301
9 December 2014
My Immediate reactions to these ads are that they are completely outrageous. It honestly pains me to think that people can be that sexist. I honestly think that sexiest ads are not a bad thing from a company’s positon on trying to sell a product but they are completely offending. I think that one reason they do this might be to get people talking about the product because any talk about any product good or bad will help it get seen by the majority of society. I do not think that these ads could or would be present in our society, there is no way that people would have the same reactions that other people did when these ads were created. Time has changed and if you mention anything mildly offending it gets blown out of proportion and you have to prepare for the worst. With the internet at our fingertips we have so much power to get everyone’s voice heard when it comes to things such as sexist ads.
I decided to compare and contrast ads twelve and twenty four as I find both of the adds to two of the worst adds out of them all. Starting off with ad #12 with the husband spanking his wife because she was not buying the right coffee according to this add. I honestly and against hitting women in any way shape or form so this add aggravates me to the point I cringe when I see it. I find it hard to believe that this was really even an ad back in the day because it really is that bad. Ad #twelve is still not even close to as bad as ad #24. The husband is literally walking over his wife and she is under the tiger skin. The words “it’s nice to have a girl around the house” are right under the ad. I have no idea what they are advertising but the fact that someone thought that this add would be a good idea is quite disturbing. I feel like these adds were made as a joke because they really are that bad there is no way someone would seriously make this. Like I said earlier negative attention is still attention but I feel that these to particular adds would cause so much negative attention that the product would completely be removed from the equation. These ads are about as offensive as they get when it comes to sexism.