Reasoning with Network Operating Systems
By: Jessica • Essay • 1,366 Words • May 31, 2010 • 1,227 Views
Reasoning with Network Operating Systems
Reasoning with Network Operating Systems
Unlike operating systems, (for example, DOS and Windows, that are designed for single users to control one computer) NOS (network operating systems) manage the activities of numerous computers across a network. The network operating system acts as an administrator and was exclusively written to keep the network running efficiently. A network operating system is commonly used with local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs), but could also have relevance to bigger network systems. Some of the features of network operating system include:
• Supply name and directory services
• Support Internetworking such as routing and WAN ports
• Offers basic operating system features, for instance: support for processors, protocols, routine hardware detection and keep up multi-processing of applications
• Clustering capabilities; error tolerant and elevated accessibility systems
• Security features such as access control, approval, logon restrictions and validation
• Provides file, print, web services, back-up and duplication services
• User supervision and support for logon and logoff, secluded access; system management, administration and appraisal tools with graphic interfaces
On Georgia Southern Campus we are using Novell Netware NOS, but some alternatives include AppleShare, Linux, Unix, Windows. AppleShare is Apple Computer's system resolution. It comprise both server and workstation software. Given that it supports the multi-tasking features of System 7, services and applications can run in tandem.
Linux is harder, involves additional research, requires planning... which some may think that this makes it better overall.
Unix is a well-liked multi-user, multi-tasking operating system developed at Bell Labs in the early 1970s. Produced by just a group of programmers, UNIX was intended to be a small, adaptable system used completely by programmers. It was one of the first operating systems to be written in a high-level programming language, specifically C. This meant that it could be installed on practically any computer for which a C compiler existed. This accepted portability combined with its low price made it a popular choice among universities. (It was low-priced because antitrust policy prohibited Bell Labs from marketing it as a full-scale merchandise.) Due to its portability, flexibility, and power, Unix has become a leading operating system for workstations. In the past, it has been less popular in the personal computer market.
An improved version of Windows 2000 that provides a powerful client/server network operating system. It contains all of the features of Windows 2000 including capabilities as an application server and multi-tasking.
Netware, our currently running NOS, is the most popular client/server network operating program available on the market at this time. It has file by file compression which allows system files to hold more online data by compressing files that are infrequently accessed or used. Disk Duplexing and Disk Mirroring are features that defend data from failures in the hardware by writing the information in two dissimilar drives on the network. Technical support is superior. Netware can handle almost any size network.
From a technical perspective, Novell's NetWare (also known as Intranet Ware 1) provides many of the facilities that seasoned network administrators rely on: a flexible file compression system, user disk quotas, and the ability to dynamically load and unload protocols, network adapters and disks without rebooting. In addition, NetWare has always provided RCONSOLE, a simple, text-based tool for accessing the NetWare server console remotely to perform any function. NetWare also integrates tightly with NDS and requires less hardware than Windows NT, for example. These features have made NetWare a strong NOS for file and print sharing.
Microsoft's Windows NT has its own list of technology wins, including support for a preemptive, multithreaded microkernel for integrated SMP (symmetric multiprocessing), as well as for virtual memory. These core features have made NT the NOS of choice for many low-end intranet and Internet solutions. The number of intranet and Internet applications available on NT is significantly greater than those available for NetWare.
So which NOS would be the best to run on throughout Georgia’s Southern University Campus? The answer depends on the needs of the individual. For example, home network users tend to require to some extent different features from the operating system than corporate