Reflection Papers
By: Jennie Tr • Essay • 691 Words • August 14, 2014 • 1,033 Views
Reflection Papers
I have improved my English as my second language after taking this class. . I have learned many ways get better on grammar, reading, summary, resume and writing many types of essays. I look back and know the materials that I have learned would be helpful for me to carry on with me throughout my education. I completely enjoyed that way the class was taught, because my teacher always give us a opportunity to break down each writing assignment and reading and how to use a correct grammar in a paper. Each in class essay assignment and discussion done in class had a purpose which will help me in my next English class and also in my other classes in the future. The most three useful things I have learned in this classes are how to organize information, what proper language is and how to support my thesis.
I have learned how to effectively write every kind of paper, and my writing was improved in many ways. One way my writing skill has improved is how to organize information. I looked at my very first essay in this class; it is easy to see I didn’t have any experience with organization. Before, I always jumped from one subject to another subject without an awareness of organization. After that, I started to take time to learn how I will transition information from one paragraph to another effectively. I also learned that one important thing of organization is deciding a main point to focus on, from there it is easy for me to know what topic I am discussing at the beginning of each paragraph. Therefore, the reader can be able to read through my paper without questioning about what I am writing about.
Not only how to organize information, the second useful also have learned about proper language for a formal paper. In high school, it was okay if I used contractions and second person; however, I have had to make effort to not use contraction from the first essay in this class. Contractions are apart of our daily life through using internet, Facebook and text. It is the greatest importance to distinguish when it is suitable to use contractions and when it is not. I already learned it is fine to write an essay without using a second person even though it could change an approach on how to start and how to conclude the essay. I am thankful that I have learned and written