Regional Economic Integration and Nafta
By: Venidikt • Essay • 319 Words • April 1, 2010 • 1,295 Views
Regional Economic Integration and Nafta
What are the pros and cons of regional economic integration?
Regional economic integration is the agreements among countries in a geographic region to reduce/remove tariff & non-tariff barriers to the free flow of goods, services & factors of production with each other.
The pros--
• By connecting economies and making them gradually more dependent on each other creates motivation for political cooperation and decreases the possibility for violent conflict
• By classifying economies, countries can improve their political weight in the world
• Economic integration entails that members give up some level of control over monetary policy, fiscal/tax policy and trade policy
The cons--
• Advantages of regional integration have been oversold and the costs have often been ignored
• The high-cost domestic producers are replaced by low-cost producers within a region
• The low-cost external suppliers are replaced by higher-cost suppliers within the region
• Regional trading alliances could emerge
How has NAFTA affected your business?
NAFTA is supposed to provide for labor equity across national borders. Unfortunately, NAFTA sanctions don't apply to the entertainment