Research Paper About Tv Being Healthier Then Exercize
By: Venidikt • Research Paper • 688 Words • April 11, 2010 • 1,112 Views
Research Paper About Tv Being Healthier Then Exercize
Morris 1
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Fake Research Paper
Televised Life
What if just by sitting on your couch, for a couple hours a day you could live a longer, healthier life apposed to a person that goes to the gym regularly? Would you believe me? Would you think I was just talking jive talk or would you ask how this is humanly possible? Well it is as simple as sitting in your own house, on your own couch, and watching the old Movie box. That’s right I’m talking about the Television. It only works with the right selective programming though. Actually people live better off watching television rather then exercise.
Many people in this country are not privileged enough to have a 24-hour fitness at hand or some kind of aerobic gym at hand. So it seems like they spend thousands of dollars on equipment or worse, they go out on the streets and run. Everybody has seen at least one of those old dudes in super tiny shorts running their senior citizen lungs to the extreme. Well there was a very sad incident just last week where a lady had died from one of her daily jogs. “She left the house at around 6 o’clock in the mourning just like every other mourning. Witnesses said that she was rounding the corner of E. Jack London Street and Quail Lakes Boulevard. A drunk driver that had not made home yet and that still had the illegal