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Research Paper on Nj State Police

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Research Paper on Nj State Police

Research paper N.J State Police

New Jersey State Police

Firemen, policemen, doctors, lawyers, and nurses, when we were children these job titles were primarily the first on our list. When I was growing up I happened to be in a family of police officers that included my dad and a great deal of uncles and cousins. It was like a torch that has been passed down because through the three generations that I know, the candle has been passed to serve as a cop for the community. My father and a couple of my uncles served as local cops in our area. When I was young I didn't know why my family seemed to be so well known and it was because my dad was a cop. As time progressed I could see the livelihood in the community digress. Since time had passed my father new less and less people because of the evil in the streets. Nowadays you cannot really get too involved in a community because of the hostility in our up coming youth. A few of my cousins became state cops in Delaware as well as New Jersey

They always tell me that the job is good and it also pays well. In society the youth is the future and my goal is to find away to help them understand that there is more to life than the streets. In my neighborhood the youth look at cops as an enemy or a prejudice force that is out to get them but, in actuality the police are just doing their job. Becoming a state cop and trying to bring civility back to the neighborhood because I was once a product of their same environment. If the community could be built back up it would have to start with the youth. My true definition of a police officer is someone is protects, serves, and gives onto his or her community.

The New Jersey state police are the sharpest officers I have seen besides our armed forces. State Troopers are Clean cut, uniform that fits tough like a suit, and a just a tough attitude. One of the main reasons that being a state policeman attracts me is because they come well respected. The New Jersey State Police is the force for the state of New Jersey. As with the New York State Police, the primary reason for the creation of the New Jersey State Police was for the protection of rural areas that had never had law enforcement beyond a local sheriff, who was often not able to provide suitable police services. Legislation for its creation was first introduced in 1914, but it would not be until March 29, 1921, with the passing of the State Police Bill, that a statewide police force was created. In 1921 our first Superintendent, H. Norman Schwarzkopf, established the foundation upon which this Division stands by issuing the general order that lists the code and conducts of being a New Jersey State Trooper. Schwarzkopf was a graduate of West Point military academy and this training and his time in the military heavily influenced how he organized and trained his first group of troopers. The first State Police academy consisted of 116 men out of an applicant group of 1,600. Training took place in Sea Girt, New Jersey on the same grounds as the current New state Police Academy. Out of the 116 men who started training only 81 officers and troopers completed the three-month training program. On December 1, 1921, the new troopers were administered the oath of office and on December 5, 1921, in a blinding snowstorm, started out on horseback and motorcycle to their posts throughout the state ( The primary function of the agency is committed to protect, preserve, and safeguard the constitutional and civil right of all citizens through impartial and courteous law enforcement with integrity and professionalism. They shall ensure public safety and provide quality service in partnership with our communities. The three core values of the New Jersey State Police are; Honor always act with the utmost integrity, and be honest and truthful. Enforce the laws equally and without bias. Hold yourself and other members to the highest ethical standards. Duty to protect and serve the public, prevent crime and apprehend offenders. Ensure the highest quality service to the public. Perform our duties honorably and accept the responsibility to carry them out. Our devotion to duty will never waiver. Fidelity, faithfully uphold the traditions of the New Jersey State Police. Strive to embody the principles under which we were founded. Maintain pride in yourself and the organization. Ensure that the codes of Honor, Duty and Fidelity are the core values (

One officer that shows all these values is highest ranking officer or the superintendent of the New Jersey State Police is Colonel Joseph R. Fuentes was selected by Governor James McGreevy to become the 14th Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police. Superintendent Fuentes enlisted in the State Police in January 1978, as a member of the 93A Class. He has served the Division of State Police throughout the state,

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