Respect and Teenagers
By: Wendy • Essay • 757 Words • April 8, 2010 • 1,181 Views
Respect and Teenagers
Elise Liveringhouse
Grier 1
Respect and Teenagers
At this day and age, teenagers have less respect for themselves and others. Times have changed tremendously and now teens think that it is acceptable to talk, act, and dress how they do. They carry out many inappropriate actions and do not make wise decisions when it comes to how they dress. This shows the fact that they do not have respect for anyone including themselves.
This is not true for everybody. Yes, some adolescents do have a good head on their shoulders and will stand up for what they believe in. Also, a lot of teens do dress appropriately buying clothes that girls should be wearing at this age, respecting adults and following the directions given, and realizing that there is no need to throw themselves at every guy to succeed in life. Some teens have been raised in a home that have taught them to not follow how other people are dressing and acting, but to act respectfully towards everyone around them and dress like a “normal” teenager should.
Although these points are true, Girls are beginning to dress more and more sluttish. They head to the mall, not to find a cute outfit for school or church, but to look for the shortest mini skirt and lowest cut shirt they are able to find. Instead of wearing what they like or what looks good on them, they buy what they think will attract more guys. Many girls think that “the more revealing the outfit, the more guys will like me”. Yes, it’s true that it is getting harder everyday to find suitable clothing. Every store is starting to fill up with more mini skirts and low-cut tank tops and less unrevealing clothes, but if they genuinely desired to dress nicer, there are enough stores out there where they would be able to find clothing that is sensible.. These girls are also buying what they see in teen magazines. Girls do not understand the fact that models do not always dress this way. On any normal day you probably wouldn’t see a model walking down the street wearing the clothes she wore at a photo shoot earlier that day. This shows that teens don’t do what is best for themselves, but what they think will make them more popular.
Teens have no respect towards adults in any shape or form. They will talk back to their parents and teachers if they are asked to do something that they don’t want to do. If their parents want them to stay home on a Friday night to clean or even just spend quality time with the