Rise of Adolf Hitler
By: Artur • Essay • 1,288 Words • May 26, 2010 • 1,566 Views
Rise of Adolf Hitler
The rise of Hitler, within the Weimar, was the conclusive event which sparked the end of Germany’s first “true democracy”. It was a government riddled with weakness and incompetence in a variety of crucial social, economic and political areas. This social democratic regime was vulnerable and Nazi Party through charismatic leader Adolf Hitler’s, gained an unprecedented amount of support. However, it was primarily due to the Weimar Republic’s own failings that the Nazi Party became appealing, and as a result of the government’s disastrous state of affairs, the Republic was finally brought to its end in 1933, with Hitler at the ready to take the reigns
On 10th November 1918 Adolf Hitler felt the frustration of what he called the “villainy of the century” Because of his outrage Hitler entered politics in an attempt to create a strong central Germany and create a new empire and revenge for allies communist and Jewish
Hitler initially found the perfect weakness against the Weimar republic. Weimar government had to sign the devastating treaty of Versailles in 1919 which this gave Opponents of the democracy like Hitler in Germany a strong weapon to destabilize and attack the Weimar republic. According to Whillam Shirer in his book the rise and fall of third Reich stated that “the emerge of Hitler as for many Germans was in the belief of the Stab in the back theory” where he referred to them as “the November criminals” and blaming them for “stabbing Germany in the back”. Hitler used this greatly to gain popularity. “The gullibility of the Germans” was a subject in which Hitler often harped on in his book Mien Kampf .and he was to take full advantage of it. This stab in the back theory was to undermine the Weimar republic and pave way for Hitler’s ultimate triumph.
Hitler became the leader of the Nazi party in 1921. Its main points were that it demanded the abolition the Treaty of Versailles, Demand land and territory for the nourishment of our people, none but those of German blood may be a member of the German nation. Demand the creation of a strong central government in Germany
The Nazi party grew rapidly. A specially designed flag helped it to attract attention. Nazi meeting were usually rowdy and violent. The Nazi party was grown drastically which formed its own parliamentary squad. Ernest Rohm’s storm troopers the SA were On the front lines of the Nazi political revolution, the SA had risked their necks battling Communists for control of the streets, , and disrupted political meetings of other parties, squashed anyone who stood in Hitler's way. The SA was largely responsible for putting Hitler in power.
It was primarily due to the Weimar Republic’s own failings that the enabled hitters rise. Their constitution had major flaws including the proportional system allowing no clear majority and article 48 allowing suspending constitution and ruling by decree. This extended to the enabling act which awarded Hitler dictatorial powers, of which he effectively acted upon immediately, dissolving all trade unions, abolishing political parties and establishing the German Labor Front. Despite constitution problems the wiemar government was suffering politically and economically. During their rule French and Belgian troops occupied the German territory of the Ruhr to secure coal production. In response the Germans mounted a campaign of passive resistance which caused a decline in industrial productivity and damage the German economy. The loss of the Ruhr increased national dept and This caused further dept and the government solution was to print more bank notes, which quickly lost their value causing hyper inflation. Those who relied on savings and salaries lost everything. Unemployed rose from 2% to 23%. By late 1923 the German dollar was worth 25billion marks.. German money was valueless and caused enormous hardship for majority of the middle class. People had begun battering and the middle class had lost their faith with the democratic system and many turned to extremist right wing political groups such Hitler.
In 1923 hitler planned to take over by force. This was the Munich Putsch. Bu he was crushed where Hitler was arrested. And sent to jail where he wrote mein kampf which stated plans for Germany and that should be ruled by a “fuhrer”. . Significance of this was that Hitler realized that he would need to enter the Riechag.
Hitler had many powerful men on his side. The rich newspaper man Alfred Hugnerburg asked Hitler to join in his campaign against the young plan. Working with hugenrburg gave him national press courage, money and the respectability that came from being associated with respected figures.
The effective use of propaganda contributed greatly to Hitler’s ability