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Risk Management Major Components

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Risk Management Major Components


Risk can be de?ned as "a measure of the anticipated difference between

expectation and reality".


This difference exists because the future is


Another de?nition of risk expresses it as the chance of exposure to the

adverse consequences of future events.


The two de?nitions imply three

aspects of a situation, which contribute towards risk – choice, conse-

quence and likelihood. Both consequences and likelihood must be under-

stood to obtain a true appreciation of the risks and opportunities

involved in any choice.

Risks exist from the outset of an activity. They generally arise because

either there is a lack of certainty about the activity being undertaken or

that hazards exist within it. Thus, the nature of risks are identi?able in

terms of:



resources (money, time, skills and equipment).

How effectively a risk is managed depends greatly on whether the organ-

isation can identify what hazards exist, the circumstances that may arise,

the areas of uncertainty that lie within the activity, and whether it can

exert control over these causes.


When not properly managed, risk often

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