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Have you ever thought of doing serious weight training to give yourself a better muscular build? Have you ever thought steroids would be a helpful tool in doing so? If you have you must know that steroids are a deadly and illegal drug. After reading my paper I hope that the thought of using steroids will leave your mind forever and encourage you to keep others of them.

To understand why you should stay off steroids you must first know what steroids are. The steroid of which you hear most are called, “anabolic steroids.” This kind of steroid is called anabolic because anabolic means, “building up.” They can also be called, “juice”(Mohun 21). They are a synthetic form of testosterone, the male sex hormone, that can be taken in pill or injection form to help increase ones muscular build. They do so by imitating how testosterone builds up muscle tissue, therefore increasing muscle mass much faster than the normal amount of testosterone that your body puts out (MacMillan 120). I know from experience that when one works out or lifts weights muscle tissue tears and has to rebuild, so taking steroids would also allow one to work out more frequently and for longer periods of time. Someone who takes steroids would be taking in ten times as much testosterone as one normally would. All of this sounds great in theory, but that is only how it helps you. Next you must know why you shouldn’t use them.

Steroids have harmful effects on both mind and body. The most damaging, however, occur to the body. When a male takes anabolic steroids he can suffer acne, a high-pitched voice, hair loss, sleeping problems, infertility, and a personality disorder commonly called “roid rage.” Roid rage is a violent personality disorder that makes users have uncontrollable anger making them hostile around people. Females undergo changes that make them more like men due to the testosterone being in their system. They have a deepened voice, hair growth, acne, and infertility (Monroe 18,35). Also steroids turn cartilage to bone, stunting growth (Rojak 25). Many of the early side effects can be reversed but long terms ones can be very damaging (Cowart and Yesalis 2). The more serious symptoms that both sexes undergo are kidney, liver, and heart disease. Tumors can be formed in the kidney and liver due to steroid use (Monroe 35). Knowing that you can weigh the pros and cons I will now tell you why people use them in the first place.

Steroids are used by some high school students who are seeking scholarships or other rewards. Many coaches think that if the whole team is on them that their level of

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