By: David • Essay • 663 Words • May 24, 2010 • 1,060 Views
Romanticism is the quality of being romantic or having romantic inclinations. The age of romanticism was between the years of 1789 to 1837. Many poetic authors used romanticism in their writings.
The first poem I chose was "fill for me a brimming bowl", by John Keats. I found in "The works of Keats" and it is in the school library. The poem to me was telling how he loved a woman and wanted desperately to forget about her. The poem states, "Put therein some drug, designed to banish woman from my mind", which clearly proves the longing for a woman. It also states that he needs help to forget her. The author chose to use a brimming bowl in the poem that symbolizes clean. He needs to wash her from his mind in order to move on. He explains all the qualities he loved about her, and those things, he thought was once beautiful is meaningless.
"My sight will never more be blest; for all I see has lost its zest", the writing explains that he wants her so life can be what it use to. I really enjoyed the poem. It was easy to understand unlike many others I have read before. I liked how Keats used a brimming bowl to symbolize cleaning the girl from his mind. " Fill for me a brimming bowl" is a perfect example of a poem of romanticism.
For my second poem of romanticism, I chose "why is cupid a boy?" The writer for the poem is named William Blake and I found the poem in the book, "poems of William Blake". Amelia H. Munson selected the poem and put the book together. The poem explains all of the cruel tricks woman played on the author in his younger years. The poem states, "they both are merry and glad and laugh when we do cry", the phrase tells me how woman not only treated him badly, but enjoyed doing it. The author used cupid to symbolize Blake, as a young loved stuck boy that was not familiar with the games of women. "And to make cupid a boy was a cupid girls mocking plan, for a boy can't interpret the thing til he is a man", the phrase means that the girl knows he will fall for the tricks, and the boy doesn't learn her tricks until he is a man. I really enjoyed the poem. The thing I liked most