Samuel Armas - the Hand of Hope
By: July • Essay • 329 Words • May 29, 2010 • 1,056 Views
Samuel Armas - the Hand of Hope
Samuel Armas
“The Hand of Hope”
Samuel Armas was a unborn baby with a disease called spina bifida, a sometimes
fatal and typically severe brain and spinal cord anomaly, results from the spine failing to
close properly during the first month of pregnancy. If the baby survives, spina bifida often
leaves debilitating defects including accumulation of fluid in the brain (hydrocephalus),
and a host of devastating secondary conditions. Examples of secondary conditions
associated with spina bifida are latex allergy, tendinitis, obesity, skin breakdown,
gastrointestinal disorders, learning disabilities, attaining and retaining mobility,
depression, and social and sexual issues.
Samuel Armas was hope for many, in that he proved to the world, in which people
tried to simply hide under the rug, that people do in fact have souls even before they are
born. People feel that it is ok to kill unborn children due to abnormalities and the fact that
they would feel that the child would be unwanted and not have the quality of life in which
they think would be best for them. In which I