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Saving Private Ryan

By:   •  Essay  •  250 Words  •  April 16, 2010  •  1,094 Views

Saving Private Ryan

The movie “Saving Private Ryan” is not your typical World War II movie. It is about the triumph of the United States over Germany but rather the focus on how horrific the effects of war are on those participating, not only physically but also mentally. What I liked about this film is the fact that it is not the plot that brings the emotions of the audience but the scenes of war and the interactions and dialogue of the soldiers involved. From this movie we get as close to a first hand portrayal of what took place for those who participated in World War II. We also get an aspect of war that has never been portrayed on film before. We know that lives are lost during war and we hear how some of these deaths occur but we rarely see such a vivid display of some of the horrifying ways of how casualties