By: Jon • Essay • 283 Words • April 20, 2010 • 1,201 Views
Serialism is a rigorous system of composing music in which various elements of the piece are ordered according to a pre-determined ordered set or sets, and variations on them. The elements thus controlled may be the pitch of the notes, their length, their dynamics, their accents, or virtually any other musical quantity, which, in serial terms is called a parameter. More generally, serialism is any music which uses any ordered sets applied to any musical element.
Whilst researching serialism I came across a quote which I find very relevant to our studies at the moment. The quote reads: “Serial music is like spinach. People grow up hearing others complain about how terrible it is. Some people eventually try it and agree that it’s horrible stuff; others try it and decide it’s rather good. But most avoid and detest it as a result of rumour and hearsay.” Although it is not necessary to enjoy serialism, one who is interested in classical music should attempt to understand it.
Twelve tone music which was established by Schoenberg