Sexual Education in Schools
By: Monika • Essay • 1,560 Words • April 16, 2010 • 1,346 Views
Sexual Education in Schools
There are many very influential issues occurring in our world right now that affect my generation and those to come. The one that seems to be plaguing the young people of today and tomorrow is teenage sexual activity. Young adults are not as informed about the risks and complications that they face with inexperience and lack of knowledge. Many teens are going into the high school atmosphere with little to no knowledge of sex other than it creates children. This is a deadly thought because lack of knowledge can lead to the ending of someone’s life. The only proper way to insure that they do not make a horrible decision on their own is to ensure they are well educated on the matter. The only way to insure this is to inform them of the risks and complications from an early age.
Young teens are facing a problem of religious groups and socially non accepting parents, all who do not want the teens to become informed on safe sex. The fact that teens know very little is not just affecting the teens it’s also affecting everyone in the U.S. For instance teen pregnancy is on the rise in females across the country, and STD’s are running rampant. They cure it seems at the moment for both problems is to have people informed on how to take precautions against it. Teen pregnancy for instance is hurting tax payers and parents in the form of insurance, welfare, and even costs to the state in the form of abortion pills and other methods. The teens are not to blame, the schools and school boards are however. They have to become socially accepting to the idea before it’s too late.
Sexual education courses should be offered to teens as early as the start of middle school and then refreshed every year. This is a projected program by even some Maryland schools so the students are informed and aware of their actions. The overall affect of teens with a lack of knowledge is they will tend to hurt themselves and others; this is why I believe that sexual education is an important topic to cover. I myself have been educated on safe sex since I was 12 and in that time I have met children who knew no more than what a condom was. Even today in college I have met people who still think “you don’t need a condom your first time” or “aids is just for gays”. Sadly enough these people are a product of a lack of information and a sheltered environment. People like them and my future children are all reasons why we must inform teens in school. The only way to do so in schools is through sex education and start early to ensure their future.
The majority of the research for my project will be done to address the topic of sexual education in schools and its affects based upon ages and backgrounds. Sexual education is something that is being opposed by many religious groups. The introduction of it to younger children will be beneficial to the later life experiences they will encounter. Most children have a very vague or naпve perception of how sex works or the risks contributed. The question on many educators minds and parents alike is, “how young is too young to educate on sex?” school boards have tried very hard to address this topic from both sides of the spectrum and have yet to come to a conclusion on what they must do. The truth is young teens are growing into a generation of foolishly sexual active people. The cost of their ignorance in turn will majorly affect us all. The teens are under a notion that they are invulnerable to the diseases and consequences related to sexual intercourse or even activity. The sad truth is they are not immune and they need to be informed for their safety and others as well.
The research for my project will be conducted based upon surveys, personal interviews, and studies. The main areas to gather information and statistics on such a topic as sexual education are the schools. The schools are the place where the children have to learn the importance of safe sex. School teachers will be a great asset as well because so many across the nation have different opinions on the topic of sexual education. In some states for instance it’s actually banned to teach sexual education. Then in other states it’s a required course of study for graduation. Another immense source of knowledge for research on this topic is information straight from the horse’s mouth. The students themselves are a perfect source for what they believe to be an appropriate age to learn about sex. Who better to know the age and appropriateness than the teens? Unfortunately the cold truth is that their actions are affecting everyone and their lack of knowledge is to blame.
Teens are beginning to mature into puberty sooner than previous generations and have now proposed a new problem for society. Raging hormones are the new drug amongst young teens that seem to be contributing to teen pregnancy, diseases, and even death. The amounts of teen pregnancies alone have doubled if not