Sg Cowen
By: kevinyang • Essay • 310 Words • May 11, 2011 • 1,347 Views
Sg Cowen
SG Cowen’s hiring process is very challenging to its candidate in order to secure only the best talent available to them. The candidates that are even considered for interviews must have top notch educational and/or job accomplishment. The process begins as early as the fall with core B-school visits and info sessions, followed by campus interviews in closed sessions1 . If selected for the final round, candidates are invited to Super Saturday where the associates’ class will be selected. It’s an exhausting experience for candidates and the interviewers. The day consists of a formal dinner with leadership the night before where candidates are sized up, even in a non-business setting2. The next morning, each candidate is assigned (5) thirty minute interviews with assigned SG Cowen bank associates and leadership3. After the interviews take place, all the interviewers meet to determine who gets job offers.
There are many flaws with SG Cowen’s procedure that are indicated in the case. First, there are no HR representatives available, only bank professionals. These people are not formally trained in giving interviews which can easily lead to stereotyping