Shakespeare's Comparison of Sonnets 9 and 14 and the Play Macbeth to Show Natural Vs.Unnatural and Light Vs.Darkness
By: Jon • Essay • 1,393 Words • June 9, 2010 • 1,801 Views
Shakespeare's Comparison of Sonnets 9 and 14 and the Play Macbeth to Show Natural Vs.Unnatural and Light Vs.Darkness
Two of the most memorable themes that apply well when in context of Macbeth are, “Natural vs. Unnatural.” and “Light vs. Darkness.” these themes are declare during the play Macbeth and Shakespeare’s sonnets, which could have meant many things, In relation to the play and sonnets. This meaning is known to be in the play and the two sonnets in a complex way. Certainly, the situation of Macbeth, revealed many things to the reader but as its known Macbeth is a play of struggle between ambition and senses of right and wrong as well as “Natural vs. Unnatural.” and “Light vs. Darkness.” It’s also the about the struggle between the fatal evil represented by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. And the interests of the nation represented by Malcolm and Macduff. These two major themes reflect to “Natural vs. unnatural.” and “light vs. darkness.” because two different kinds of groups are fighting and waiting on who would succeed first.
These two themes also reflect to the sonnets that Shakespeare wrote, such as sonnet IX which reflects to the theme “Natural vs. Un natural”
Is it for fear to wet a widow's eye, that thou consum'st thy self in single life? The world will be thy widow and still weep That thou no form of thee hast left behind, Look what an unthrift in the world doth spend; But beauty's waste hath in the world an end, And kept unused the user so destroys it. No love toward others in that bosom sits that on himself such murd'rous shame commits.
What this sonnet is saying is that the people fear when a widow cries because as the widow is crying because of the lost of her husband the world cries along her side making things change and making unnatural things to occur. It is also saying that the world could be a widow making other things to occur because the more the people harm it’s beauty the more unnatural things occur. Making the world lose its form and show its serious side which are its strange effects on his once pure natural world.
In the play Macbeth, one of the themes that were adapted was “Natural vs. Unnatural.” In a complex way. “Natural vs. Unnatural” is presented in as a main theme, right after Duncan’s death were there were, many strange things that started taking place such as The corrupting of nature and the relationship between “Natural vs. Unnatural”. Such as the supernatural of hallucinations, violence, and the weather, this theme of “Natural vs. Unnatural” was talked about in scene IV act II were the old man says:
‘tis unnatural, even like the deed that’s done. On Tuesday, last, a falcon towing in her pride of place was by a mousing owl halk’d at and kill’d.
Meaning that the unnatural started to occur once Macbeth killed Duncan, Since Duncan was so in touch with his surroundings such as the land, he once ruled and the accomplishments he did in the wars succeed. It made animals start acting in an unnatural way. Another fraction of the play that shows “Natural vs. Unnatural” is when Ross says in scene IV act II:
Duncan’s horses--a thing most strange and certain beauteous and swift, the minions1 of their race, turn’d wild in nature, broke their stalls, flung out, contending’ gainst and make war with man kind
That by Macbeth killing Duncan, the king of Cumberland, Macbeth had violated the natural process of the world’s nature
This theme of “Natural vs. Unnatural” had a big roll on both Sonnet IX and the Play Macbeth, because in these writings Shakespeare compares them by making them share the same theme of “Natural vs. Unnatural”. Showing how the world changes due to things that affect the world whether a king that was once linked to his kingdom he controlled. Or a crying widow that it’s refers to how people treat the world and make the world cry by destroying it’s own beauty. This “Natural vs. Unnatural” theme is one main theme that Shakespeare shows on these two writings and he expresses his comparison by saying that anything people do in a careless way it might result in unnatural ways that people might not be able to expect or explain it’s occurrence of why it happened or how could it be solved. Making it have a natural to unnatural effect.
The Second theme that also reflects to the sonnet that Shakespeare wrote is sonnet XIV that reflects to the theme “Light vs. Darkness.”
Not from the stars do I my judgment pluck; And yet methinks I have Astronomy, But not to tell of light or darkness luck, Pointing to each thunder, rain and wind,: But from thine eyes my knowledge I derive,