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Short-Term Plan

By:   •  Research Paper  •  2,167 Words  •  October 26, 2014  •  1,127 Views

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Short-Term Plan

Q. From all that I’ve shared with you about Placid, what do you think are the three to five (3-5) major reasons the we find ourselves in the current situation and what do you think are the first steps for me to take in a short-term plan to correct the situation?

There are 5  core reasons why I believe Lake Placid is in the current situation

  1. The CEO views business issues separate from people issues –

Pat highlighted this perfectly in her “Business As Usual’ scenario. Where Ed would indicate his focus was on product improvement & sales. Then he’d suggest that 2011 would be the year to take care of the people issues . Also concerning was Ed’s challenge to Pat  alone that she was responsible for improving survey results.

  1. HR has failed to link business strategy to people strategy – A key indicator is Ed’s lack of commitment to developing people internally. He seems much more open to the idea of hiring from the outside. He Also views development as cumbersome ( he does want a long- involved process ) and feel as if he already knows the good people without even thinking about it.
  1. Operations feels as if they don’t own people issues-  During Eric’s attack on Pat he mentioned that she had allowed P4 to go stale. Also Ed’s unwillingness to admit Eric acted incorrectly or needed to accept any more accountability is a key indicator operations does not feel the need to “own the people issues”
  1. In past HR has pushed programs on Operations without getting their input- Tonya’s letter to Pat suggesting that the RVP’s be included in the succession /career development plan is an indicator that Operations had been left out of the HR planning processes in the past . 
  1. Pat came off as an Cop in the meeting  instead a business partner- Eric’s “attack” on Pat during the meeting is the best indicator. By not advising Eric of his regions poor results prior to presenting, it made it seems as if HR was “calling him out” instead of a being a business partner.


Short Term Plan

At the heart of my short term plan would be the motto - Repair, Support, Stand,  Engage !

  1. Repair relationship with Eric –  This is vital as we will need his support in the long term.  I’d advise Pat to go to Eric and let him know that her intentions in the meeting were to have a meaningful dialogue about how to revise the P4 process. In hind sight, she should admit it would be wise to have discussed the results from his region with him prior to presenting.  Hopefully, this will help repair the relationship and Eric won’t feel as if HR is out to get him.  It may also stop Eric from further suggesting field HR should report to Operations …. A bit of damage control

  1. Gain Support of CEO- Pat needs to have a” Come to Jesus talk” with the CEO. If the CEO views HR has the person who handles all the people issues, Pat should start looking for opportunities at another company.  Pat needs to use her technical expertise to reshape the CEO’s view of his role as the Chief People Officer .  As Ralph Christensen says:

“ The CEO is the Senior HR Leader. No CEO should look at HR as the person who handles all the people issues so that she does not have to worry about them. That’s just as absurb as saying the CEO doesn’t care about the financial issues because the CFO will sort them out. “

Secondly Pat needs to reshape Ed’s view of the employees. As Ralph  Christensen says  “Talent is the engine behind the creation of all value.” Ed needs to begin to see employees as sources of competitive advantage, rather than order takers. After all, we need well trained employees to maintain business focus on developing products and driving sales.  Development will also be critical to ensure the workforce has the correct mix of skills to meet the needs of the business in the future

Lastly, Pat needs to admit that HR has not done a good job of linking business strategy to the people strategy. She should tell Ed of her plans to develop aHuman Resources Plan , which will be an overall extension of the Business Plan . To accomplish this, Pat will establish Cross Functional Executive Committees devoted to addressing the following issues:

  • Create Workforce Planning & Development  Committee
  • Engagement & Retention Committee --
  • Succession Plan Committee
  • Diversity Committee --

At the end the committee will present their suggestions to Ed for Final Approval. This will ensure that:

1) Operations has some “skin in the game” and has ownership of the plan

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