Should Censorship Be Politically Practiced on online Newspapers?
By: Steve • Essay • 800 Words • March 14, 2010 • 1,048 Views
Should Censorship Be Politically Practiced on online Newspapers?
Should censorship be politically practiced on Online Newspapers?
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For its great number of advantages such as quick access, low cost and variety, Online Newspaper has been a close friend to many people in this modern world. However, when we deal with political issues, a question is posed whether censorship should be practiced on e-press, since Politics is a highly sensitive and important field that can have influence on almost all other aspects of life such as values, religions, economy and the like. In my opinion, despite its several detrimental features that may be inevitable, Online Press has been so far very beneficial to not only societies but also individuals, and therefore should be offered freedom to enhance its full role.
To begin with, we should look back on one of Human’s basic rights, which is the right of expression. When censorship is practiced, we fortuitously violate this right because, say, all the ideas would be restricted by the Censors Board and bended into their political point of view. It is widely known that each individual’s stand depends on his living environment, education and experience. Therefore, people’s points of views differ; the ways they think, act and react also vary. Imposing one’s perspective on others is going against human nature and confining their creativity.
Secondly, if somebody argues that it would be rather dangerous if people are mis-lead by false information published by e-press, thus there must be a way to prevent it. I can say, yes we do have. Each country has its own Press Laws, and the world also has Global Press Laws, why don’t we base on the laws to work and to deal with those who break it? For example, Vietnamese Press Laws goes: ‘The Vietnamese Press has the right to discuss any issues not banned by the laws. Issues not allowed are those which intrigue violence, sex, war and sow national division.’ ( In this case, any online newspapers breaking the laws would be penalized by the government. Besides, once people discover that one newspaper has been publishing mis-leading or false information, they will no longer read that newspapers and, without readers, it would no longer survive. In short, e-press is not only entitled freedom of expression but also responsible for what they say.
Thirdly, the main reason for those who agree with censorship practice is: without political censorship, the society will come to chaotic disorder. This explains why in some countries, many websites are blocked right at the International Internet Gateway so that people using that country’s Internet service cannot get access to the information in those sites which are often called ‘reactionaries’, ‘anti-government’ and ‘tools for the rivals’. However, according to Wikipedia: ‘Political censorship occurs when governments conceal secrets from their citizens. Any dissent against the government is thought