By: *^_Jon Spiegel_^* • Research Paper • 451 Words • November 17, 2014 • 641 Views
Sign language is considered by many people to be a foreign language but to me it’s not my name is Jon Spiegel and both of my parents are deaf, my biological mother is full deaf she has something that is called ushers syndrome, my biological father was not deaf and that’s why I can hear to this day! My step-father who I’ve called dad since I can remember is hard of hearing he also has a simpler ushers syndrome but his is not to the point where he can’t hear. My step dads name is Daryl (sing name) and my mom name is Jennifer (sign name) their names in sing for mom and dad are (sign name.)
I learned sign language when I was just a baby but didn’t actually sign until I was 2 because well, I was a lazy baby. I have two sisters one full blooded sister same mom and dad then a half-sister same mom different dad. My oldest sisters name is alexia but we call her Aj (sign name) my younger sisters name is Kayla (sign name) if someone was to ask you if you’d rather be blind or deaf and had to choose one which one would you choose and why? Well I would choose to be deaf because if I was deaf I could still see and feel vibrations and know what is going on.
I would choose to be deaf over choosing to be blind because I can see the world still and I just can’t hear it but if you ever talk to a deaf person ask them have you ever heard anything before and they will either tell you yes or no.